New books in psychology

May - October 2015

Measuring happiness Keeping ourselves in the dark Psychology
Title / author or editor
About behaviorism / B.F. Skinner
Addiction by design : machine gambling in Las Vegas / Natasha Dow Schüll
Advances in behavioral economics / ritstj. Colin F. Camerer, George Loewenstein og Matthew Rabin
Advances in relational frame theory : research & application / ritstj. Simon Dymond PHD, BCBA-D, & Bryan Roche, PHD
Antifragile : things that gain from disorder / Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Anxiety disorders and phobias : a cognitive perspective / Aaron T. Beck og Gary Emery 
APA handbook of behavior analysis / ritstj. Gregory J. Madden
Applied behavior analysis for teachers / Paul A. Alberto, Anne C. Troutman
Assessment of children : cognitive foundations / Jerome M. Sattler
Attitudes : their structure, function, and consequences / ritstj. Russell H. Fazio og Richard E. Petty
A behavior analytic view of child development / Henry D. Schlinger, Jr
Behavior theory and philosophy / ritstj. Kennon A. Lattal og Philip N. Chase
Behavioral foundations of effective autism treatment / ritstj. Erik A. Mayville, James A. Mulick
Beyond freedom & dignity / B.F. Skinner 
The black swan : impact of highly improbable / Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Brain rules : 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home and school / John Medina
Challenging behaviour / Eric Emerson, Stewart L. Einfeld
Clinical psychology and people with intellectual disabilities / ritstj. Eric Emerson o.fl.
Cognitive neuroscience : the biology of the mind / Michael S. Gazzaniga, George R. Mangun
Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders / Aaron T. Beck
Cognitive therapy of depression / Aaron T. Beck o.fl.
Cognitive-behaviour therapy for people with learning disabilities / ritstj. Biza Stenfert Kroese, Dave Dagnan og Konstantinos Loumidis
Composing qualitative research / Karen Golden-Biddle, Karen Locke
Concepts and principles of behavior analysis / Jack L. Michael 
Conceptual foundations of radical behaviorism / Jay Moore
Consumer psychology / Cathrine V. Jansson-Boyd
Cumulative record / B. F. Skinner 
Derived relational responding : applications for learners with autism and other developmental disabilities : a progressive guide to change / ritstj. Ruth Anne Rehfeldt og Yvonne Barnes-Holmes
Discovering statistics using R / Andy Field, Jeremy Miles, Zoë Field
Elementary principles of behavior / Richard W. Malott, Donald L. Whaley, Maria E. Malott
Equivalence relations and behavior : a research story / Murray Sidman
Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents / ritstj. John R. Weisz, Alan E. Kazdin
Focus on vocabulary. 2 : mastering the academic word list / Diane Schmitt, Norbert Schmitt
Foundations of behavioral, social, and clinical assessment of children / Jerome M. Sattler 
Functional analysis in clinical treatment / ritstj.  Peter Sturmey
Handbook of applied behavior analysis / ritstj. Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, Henry S. Roane
The handbook of intellectual disability and clinical psychology practice / ritstj. Alan Carr o.fl.
Handbook on the neuropsychology of aging and dementia / ritstj. Lisa D. Ravdin, Heather L. Katzen
A history of modern psychology / C. James Goodwin
How to think like a behavior analyst : understoging the science that can change your life / Jon S. Bailey og Mary R. Burch
How to write a thesis / Umberto Eco 
Human factors in traffic safety / Robert Dewar og Paul Olson 
Introduction to the psychology of ageing for non-specialists / Ian Stuart-Hamilton
Keeping ourselves in the dark / Colin Feltham
Learning / A. Charles Catania 
Learning and behavior / James E. Mazur
Learning RFT : an introduction to relational frame theory and its clinical applications / Niklas Törneke 
The man who couldn't stop : OCD and true story of a life lost in thought / David Adam
Measuring happiness : the economics of well-being / Joachim Weimann, Andreas Knabe og Ronnie Schöb
Mental measurements yearbook 19 / ritstj. Janet F. Carlson, Kurt F. Geisinger og Jessica L. Jonson  
Mindless eating : why we eat more than we think / Brian Wansink
The moral brain : a multidisciplinary perspective / Jean Decety og Thalia Wheatley
Mörk : saga mömmu / Þóra Karítas Árnadóttir
Núvitund : leitaðu inn á við / Chade-Meng Tan
On balance / Adam Phillips 
Orðgnótt : orðalisti í almennri sálarfræði : ensk-íslenskur, íslensk-enskur / Guðmundur B. Arnkelsson
Positive psychology : theory, research and applications / Kate Hefferon og Ilona Boniwell
The power of habit : why we do what we do in life and business / Charles Duhigg
Principles of neural science / ritstj. Eric R. Kandel o.fl.
Prisons and punishment : the essentials / David Scott, Nick Flynn
Psychology : the science of mind and behaviour / Nigel Holt o.fl.
The psychology of ageing : an introduction / Ian Stuart-Hamilton
The psychology of attitudes and attitude change / Greg Maio og Geoffrey Haddock
Qualitative inquiry and research design : choosing among five approaches / John W. Creswell 
Quantitative methods and statistics : a guide to social research / Sonia R. Wright 
Radical behaviorism for ABA practitioners / James M. Johnston 
Relational frame theory : a post-Skinnerian account of human language and cognition / ritstj. Steven C. Hayes og Dermot Barnes-Holmes 
Research methods in applied behavior analysis / Jon S. Bailey og Mary R. Burch
Resource guide to accompany Assessment of children : cognitive foundations / Jerome M. Sattler 
Resource guide to accompany Foundations of behavioral, social, and clinical assessment of children / Jerome M. Sattler 
Rule-governed behavior : cognition, contingencies, and instructional control / ritstj. Steven C. Hayes 
Single-case designs for educational research / Craig H. Kennedy 
Social psychology / Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert
Spark : the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain / John J. Ratey
Standards for educational and psychological testing  
Tactics of scientific research : evaluating experimental data in psychology / Murray Sidman 
Target risk 2 : a new psychology of safety and health : what works? what doesn't? and why / Gerald J.S. Wilde
Þroskasálfræði : lengi býr að fyrstu gerð / Aldís Unnur Guðmundsdóttir
Understanding behaviorism : behavior, culture, and evolution / William M. Baum
Verbal behavior / B. F. Skinner 
Vertu úlfur = Wargus esto / Héðinn Unnsteinsson
Web survey methodology / Mario Callegaro, Katja Lozar Manfreda, Vasja Vehovar
The Wiley Blackwell handbook of operant and classical conditioning / ritstj. Frances K. McSweeney og Eric S. Murphy 
Writing for psychology / Mark L. Mitchell og Janina M. Jolley, Robert P. O'Shea

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