Lectures / Workshops

Teqhire, January 2019:

Oddur Sturluson from Teqhire came and gave a talk „Welcome to the Jungle“.
The talk was about the first step in the IT environment after graduation. He advised about the do´s and dont´s also what to do to stand out.

The Icelandic Blockchain Foundation, November 2018:

Kristján Mikaelsson, Managing Director of the Icelandic Blockchain Foundation, came for a visit and gave a talk „Is Blockchain the future?”

In 2008, he said that there was an explosion in innovation in fintech and related sectors after Bitcoin came to light. He spoke about the history and the future of Blockchain, but also summarise some key questions relating to the technology itself and the transformation that it might result in

  • What are smart contracts and programmable money?
  • What impact will programmable money have on machine to machine economy?
  • What will be the impact to have national currency on Blockchain?
  • Are intermediaries or promotors becoming unnecessary?

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