Criteria on the use of artificial intelligence in course assessment at Reykjavik University

Guidelines for Students

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is technology that can imitate human intelligence. This means that the technology is trained to learn, interpret and work on projects that usually require human thinking. Artificial intelligence can be found in many devices that we use every day, e.g. in phones, search engines and a number of other applications (e.g. ChatGPT, Bard, GitHub Copilot, GrammarlyGO etc.). The use of artificial intelligence must meet the requirements of HR from both a technical and an ethical point of view. In the current RU regulations on studies and assessment, art. 4.6.5, states the following:

"RU demands from the student that all projects he submits are his own intellectual property. This includes, among other things, that he works on the project himself from scratch, without the help of others, and never takes the text or work of others and presents it as his own work . The right of authorization and the rules for the use of authorization shall also apply to the copying of one's own works." (See:

This also includes working on group projects. Students must follow the teacher's instructions in all respects. As stated there, plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited, whether it´s a content from individuals or artificial intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence when it has not been authorized by the teacher, constitutes a violation of the rules of RU and may result in disciplinary sanctions. RU General rules on Study and Assessment: (

If students are in any doubt as to whether and how the use of artificial intelligence is permitted, they should consult the relevant teacher.

Students must always follow approved procedures for the correct citation and referencing of sources (see RU Library's website for details). It is therefore emphasized that:

  • Asking AI like ChatGPT, Bard, GitHub copilot etc, to solve an assignment/ or a task, is no different than asking another person to solve it, or a part of it, for you. It is therefore imperative that students follow the teacher's instructions regarding permitted supporting resources in assessments and exams.
  • If students use artificial intelligence in consultation with teachers when solving tasks, they must explain how it was done and how the reliability of the data was ascertained. Always follow approved procedures for the completion of authorizations. Currently, there are solely APA style guidelines available for referencing AI-generated content.

If a Style citation is used, where guidance on AI references is not available, students should:

  1. include in the appendix screenshots of their queries to the AI and the responses they received
  2. state what tools they used
  3. include a screenshot of your ongoing interaction with the AI and a description of how the returned text was formed and written

In cases where the teacher approves the use of artificial intelligence in the solution of an assessment but the student does not follow the teacher's recommendations regarding the completion of sources, this may result in disciplinary sanctions.

Students are reminded that the main goal of project-based learning is to help them master the course material, and submitting assignments done by a third party, be it a person or artificial intelligence, will not help students achieve that goal.

Furthermore, it is worth pointing out that artificial intelligence such as e.g. ChatGPT is not infallible and it is known that the solutions thus obtained may occasionally turn out to be wrong. Students should therefore always apply critical thinking and verify the validity of all information they use in their studies, regardless of where it comes from.

The use of artificial intelligence in exams is generally not permitted, unless otherwise stated by the Teacher. Students must follow the Teacher's instructions regarding allowed supporting resources, on whether it is permissible to use artificial intelligence when solving tasks and testing the use of artificial intelligence when solving tasks and exams.

Approved by the Executive Council on October 23rd 2023

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