New books in law

May - October 2015

When Humans Become Migrants The International Law of the Sea What's wrong with copying?
Title / author or editor
The accession of European Union to European Convention on Human Rights / Paul Gragl
Að iðka lögfræði : inngangur að hinni lagalegu aðferð / Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson
Advanced introduction to comparative constitutional law / Mark Tushnet
Afmælisrit : Tryggvi Gunnarsson sextugur 10. júní 2015 
Almindelig borgerlig straffelov (straffeloven) av 22. mai 1902 nr. 10 ; Lov om straff (straffeloven) av 20. mai 2005 nr. 28 ; Lov om rettergangsmåten i straffesaker (straffeprosessloven) av 22. mai 1981 nr. 25 ; Forskrift om ordningen av påtalemyndigheten
Almindelig borgerlig straffelov 22 mai 1902 nr. 10; Lov 22 mai 1902 nr.11 om den almindelige borgerlige Straffelovs Ikrafttræden, sist endret ved lov 4 august 1995 nr.53. Sist endret ved lov 9 januar 2015 nr.1 : Straffeloven (1902)
Alminnelig strafferett / Johs. Andenæs
Bótaréttur I : skaðabótaréttur / Eiríkur Jónsson, Viðar Már Matthíasson
Business contracts handbook / Charles Boundy
Choice-of-court agreements under the European and International Instruments : the Revised Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Convention / Trevor C. Hartley
Civil jurisdiction and judgments / Adrian Briggs
Comparative law / ritstj. Peter Wahlgren 
The continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles : delineation, delimitation and dispute settlement / Bjarni Mar Magnusson
Critical legal thinking / Nick James
De mest alvorlige forbrytelser / Ståle Eskeland
Documents concerning the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union. 2
Dommer i straffeprosess og strafferett / [redaktører]: Erling Hjelmeng, Jon Øyvind Eide Midthjell
Dømt til behandling : om ansvarsforholda under gjennomføringa av særreaksjonen tvungent psykisk helsevern / Torstein Gullbrå
Endurskoðun ákvarðana sem áhrif hafa á umhverfið / Aðalheiður Jóhannsdóttir og Eiríkur Tómasson
Energy law : an introduction / Raphael J. Heffron
EU energy law and policy Volume V Yearbook 2014 / ritstj. Helmut Schmitt von Sydow
EU energy law. Volume 3, The energy infrastructure policy of the European Union / ritstj. Jean-Arnold Vinois
EU law / Lorna Woods and Philippa Watson
The European Court of Human Rights and its discontents : turning criticism into strength / ed. Spyridon Flogaitis, Tom Zwart, Julie Fraser
European perspectives on behavioural law and economics / ritstj. Klaus Mathis
Europeanization and the European economic area : Iceland's participation in the EU's policy process / Johanna Jonsdottir
Focus on vocabulary. 2 : mastering the academic word list / Diane Schmitt, Norbert Schmitt
Folkrätten i svensk rätt / ritstj. Rebecca Stern og Inger Österdahl 
Forbrukerkjøp / Roald Martinusse
The function of law in international community / Hersch Lauterpacht
Fundamental rights in the EU : a matter for two courts / ritstj. Sonia Morano-Foadi og Lucy Vickers
Global legal pluralism : a jurisprudence of law beyond borders / Paul Schiff Berman
Grundloven : atten fortællinger / Jens Peter Christensen
The handbook of international loan documentation / Sue Wright
How to write a thesis / Umberto Eco 
The ICSID convention : a commentary : a commentary on Convention on settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states / Christoph H. Schreuer o.fl.
Interaction of arbitration and courts / ritstj.  Alexander J. Bělohlávek, Naděžda Rozehnalová
The international law of sea / Yoshifumi Tanaka
International sales law / Ingeborg Schwenzer, Christiana Fountoulakis, Mariel Dimsey
International transportation / ritstj.  Alexander J. Bělohlávek o.fl.
Jacobs, White and Ovey : the European Convention on Human Rights / Bernadette Rainey, Elizabeth Wicks og Clare Ovey
Just satisfaction under the European Convention on Human Rights / Octavian Ichim
Konstitusjonelt demokrati : statsforfatningsretten i prinsipielt og komparativt lys / Eivind Smith
Labour law in Iceland / Elín Blöndal, Ragnheidur Morgan Sigurdardóttir
Law and economics in Europe : foundations and applications / ritstj. Klaus Mathis
Lov av 20. mai 2005 nr. 28 : om straff (straffeloven) 
Lov av 22. mai 1902 nr. 10 : almindelig borgerlig straffelov (straffeloven) 
Media and crime / Yvonne Jewkes
Multimodal transportation under the Rotterdam rules : legal implications for European carriage of goods and the quest for uniformity / Olena Bokareva
Negotiating the international criminal court : New York to Rome, 1994-1998 / Fanny Benedetti, Karine Bonneau, John L. Washburn
Norsk alminnelig strafferett / Henry John Mæland
Norsk spesiell strafferett / Magnus Matningsdal
Nytt i ny straffelov / Magnus Matningsdal
Observasjon av barn etter straffeprosessloven [gr.] 239 tredje ledd : særlig om siktedes rettssikkerhet / Anne Marie Frøseth Anfinsen
The principles and practice of international commercial arbitration / Margaret L. Moses
Prisons and punishment : the essentials / David Scott, Nick Flynn
The refugee in international law / Guy S. Goodwin-Gill og Jane McAdam
Report of the EFTA Court 
Réttarreglur um losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda / Hrafnhildur Bragadóttir
Sources of international law / ritstj. Martti Koskenniemi
Spesiell strafferett og formuesforbrytelsene / Johs. Andenæs
Stat och straff : rättshistoriska perspektiv / Christian Häthén
Stjórnskipunarréttur : undirstöður og handhafar ríkisvalds / Björg Thorarensen
Straffeloven 2005 : lov 20 mai 2005 nr. 28 om straff. Sist endret ved lov 20 juni 2014 nr. 49 
Straffeloven med kommentarer 2. del. Forbrydelser med ajourføring av bind 1 / Anders Bratholm, Magnus Matningsdal (red.)
Svensk statsrätt /
Theoretical and practical intersection of international law and domestic law = L'intersection théorique et pratique entre le droit international et le droit interne / David Thór Björgvinsson 
Towards a refugee oriented right of asylum / Laura Westra
The twilight of human rights law / Eric A. Posner 
Um fordæmi og valdmörk dómstóla / Jón Steinar Gunnlaugsson
The UN Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women : a commentary / ritstj. Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin, Beate Rudolf 
What's wrong with copying? / Abraham Drassinower
When humans become migrants : study of the European Court of Human Rights with an inter-American counterpoint / Marie-Bénédicte Dembour

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