New books in Business

April - October 2016

Title / author or editor
Activity-based management for financial institutions : driving bottom line results / Brent Bahnub
Addiction as consumer choice : exploring the cognitive dimension / Gordon R. Foxall
Afmælisrit til Þorsteins Þorsteinssonar á sjötugs afmæli hans 5. apríl 1950
The age of sustainable development / Jeffrey D. Sachs
Applying IFRS standards / Ruth Picker, Kerry Clark, John Dunn, David Kolitz, Gilad Livne, Janice Loftus, Leo van der Tas
Auditing cases : an interactive learning approach / Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt
The big short : inside the doomsday machine / Michael Lewis
Bókfærsla og reikningshald / Sigurjón Valdimarsson
Business ethics : managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization / Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten
Business intelligence and analytics : systems for decision support / Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban
Climate shock : the economic consequences of a hotter planet / Gernot Wagner og Martin L. Weitzman
Corporate social responsibility / ritstj. Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen
Digital gold : bitcoin and the inside story of the misfits and millionaires trying to reinvent money / Nathaniel Popper
Digital marketing : strategy, implementation and practice / Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick
Equity asset valuation / Jerald E. Pinto, Elaine Henry, Thomas R. Robinson, John D. Stowe og Stephen E. Wilcox
Fraud examination / W. Steve Albrecht, Chad O. Albrecht, Conan C. Albrecht og Mark F. Zimbelman
Fundamentals of corporate finance / Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo, Jarrad Harford
Gemba kaizen : a commonsense low-cost approach to management / Masaki Imai
The gold mine : a novel of lean turnaround / Freddy Ballé og Michael Ballé
Information technology for management : digital strategies for insight, action, and sustainable performance / E. Turban, Linda Volonino, Gregory R. Wood
Íslenskur sjávarútvegur í alþjóðlegu samhengi / Ágúst Einarsson
Lánssamningar milli banka og fyrirtækja / Höskuldur Eiríksson
Leadership : contemporary critical perspectives / ritstj. Brigid Carroll, Jackie Ford og Scott Taylor
Lean for dummies / Natalie Sayer og Bruce Williams
Lean thinking : banish waste and create wealth in your corporation / James P. Womack og Daniel T. Jones
The Lean toolbox : the essential guide to Lean transformation / John Bicheno og Matthias Holweg
Macroeconomics / Michael Parkin
Misbehaving : the making of behavioral economics / Richard H. Thaler
The only game in town : central banks, instability, and avoiding the next collapse / Mohamed A. El-Erian
Personnel selection : adding value through people--a changing picture / Mark Cook
Principles of corporate finance / Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen
Restart : the last chance for the Indian economy / Mihir S. Sharma
Rise of the robots : technology and the threat of a jobless future / Martin Ford
The science of the blockchain / Roger Wattenhofer
The shifts and the shocks : what we've learned -- and have still to learn -- from the financial crisis / Martin Wolf
The theory and practice of change management / John Hayes
This is lean : resolving the efficiency paradox / Niklas Modig og Pär Åhlström
Um veðréttindi / Gaukur Jörundsson
Úrskurðir kveðnir upp af Ríkisskattanefnd 1983, 1984 og 1985 : úrtak
Úrskurðir kveðnir upp af Ríkisskattanefnd á árunum 1981-82 : úrtak
Valuation : measuring and managing the value of companies / Tom Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels
Value stream mapping : how to visualize work and align leadership for organizational transformation / Karen Martin og Mike Osterling
Við stöndum á tímamótum / Magnús Orri Schram
The zero marginal cost society : the internet of things, the collaborative commons and the eclipse of capitalism / Jeremy Rifkin

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