Study Abroad Opportunities for RU Students

Exchange programme for RU students

Degree-seeking RU students can gain international experience by taking part in their studies abroad. Studying abroad can add value, making you a more employable "global graduate". Students who choose to go on exchange at one of our partner universities continue to pay tuition fees to RU during the exchange.

Who can go on an exchange?

Most degree-seeking students at RU can go on an exchange.

Please check with the relevant Department Coordinator and the International Office

There are two ways of finding a host university: 

  • Go to one of RU's partner universities 
  • through our RU networks: Nordplus or NeurotechEU

Partner Universities

Reykjavik University has exchange agreements with around 200 universities in over 30 countries. Most of our partners are in Europe, but we also have several bilateral agreements with universities outside Europe.   

Agreements are usually on a departmental level.
Within these agreements, students can take one or two semesters at one of our partner institutions and have their courses at the host university recognized as part of their studies at RU.


Reykjavik University is a member of several collaborative networks within the Nordplus Network: NOREK, NORDTEK, NORDPLUS LAW AND NORDLYS. 

RU is a member of the European University network NeurotechEU. Mobility opportunities are announced regularly and are usually short-term. 

Grants for outgoing exchange students


Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Reykjavík University has been participating in the programme for many years RU Erasmus Policy Statement.

  • Erasmus+ grant amounts and conditions in Iceland.


The Nordplus Higher Education Programme is a mobility and network programme in the higher education sector, on bachelor and master levels, for the Nordic and Baltic countries.

The aim of the programme is to create a collaboration between the institutions that participate in the programme through exchanges, experience, good practice and innovative results. The programme also supports collaboration between higher education institutions and other organizations. General information on the Nordplus programme is here.

The Nordplus programme has many thematic networks, and Reykjavík University is a member of the following networks:

  • NOREK for Business Administration, – 26 member universities

  • NORDTEK for Science and Engineering - 28 member universities

  • NORDPLUS LAW for Law – 23 member universities

  • NORDLYS interdisciplinary – 38 member universities

These networks offer students enrolled at their member universities the chance to pursue study abroad experiences, ranging from semester-long exchanges to shorter stays like summer schools or brief courses lasting at least 5 days. Announcements for summer schools and express mobility opportunities are regularly posted on RU's social media platforms or Canvas.

Students can apply for Erasmus grants for semester-long mobility, while the Nordplus program offers potential grants for shorter mobility experiences.

To get information on the NORDPLUS grants please contact the RU International Office on

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