RU Infrastructure Fund

The role of the RU Infrastructure Fund is to provide grants for the purchase and/or development of equipment, databases and software, and other equipment that is considered important for progress in teaching and research at RU. 

In assessing applications, consideration is given to the quality of the application and application documents, e.g. take into account the following points:

  • The importance of the infrastructure for progress in teaching and research at RU.
  • Predictable utilisation of the infrastructure between RU's departments or between employees.
  • Reality and consideration of cost estimates.

Grants from RU Infrastructure Fund 2024

The RU Infrastructure Fund has awarded 12 grants. The total amount awarded is 37.283.844 ISK. The application submission deadline was May 10, 2024, and the Fund received 17 applications. The total amount applied for was 53.469.313 ISK. Below is information on the projects receiving grants from the Fund 2024. This is the fourth time the Fund has allocated grants. The role of the Fund is to provide grants for the purchase and/or development of equipment, databases, software, and other equipment considered essential for progress in teaching and research at RU. The fund also supports leasing equipment for a short or more extended period. In assessing applications, consideration is given to the quality of the application and application documents, e.g. taking into account the following points:

· The importance of the infrastructure for progress in teaching and research at RU.

· Predictable utilisation of the infrastructure between RU's departments or between employees.

· Reality and consideration of cost estimates.

Grants 2024


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Andrei Manolescu
  • Deild / Department: Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Halldór Guðfinnur Svavarsson og Muhammad Taha Sultan
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Desktop Sputter Coater

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: - Gas Sensing: The sputter coater will play a pivotal role in the development of gas sensors capable of detecting gases like oxygen, fluorides, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia. This entails depositing thin films of metal oxides and semiconductors as sensing layers, followed by the deposition of metallic contacts for electrical characterization of the samples. By facilitating precise and uniform film deposition, the equipment ensures the reliability and sensitivity of these gas sensing devices, crucial for environmental monitoring and industrial safety.

- Solar Cell Fabrication: In the fabrication of solar cells, an essential preliminary step involves depositing metallic contacts onto glass substrates. The sputter coater will enable this process ensuring optimal electrical performance of the solar cells. By streamlining the fabrication workflow, the equipment accelerates research in renewable energy technologies, contributing to the advancement of sustainable energy solutions.

- SEM Sample Preparation: Sample preparation is a critical aspect of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, particularly for insulating and semiconducting materials. The sputter coater will facilitate the deposition of thin conductive films onto samples.

- Respiratory sensing: Currently underway, this project is making significant advancements in advancing respiratory monitoring technology. Once fabricated, these sensors will be integrated into an in-house device and rigorously tested by the Sleep Apnea group at RU, ensuring their efficacy in real-world applications. This integrated approach from fabrication to testing underscores our commitment to innovation in healthcare technology and addressing critical medical needs.

- RU Teaching: Additionally, the sputter coater will serve as an educational resource in the Materials Science course (T407-EFNI), which will be used for lab exercises. By incorporating hands-on practical exercises, such as the fabrication of Schottky diodes based on thin films, students will gain firsthand experience in materials synthesis and device fabrication. The equipment will enable students to deposit thin films onto provided substrates, provided by the Nanophysics Center, and fabricate Schottky diodes for electrical characterization.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Ármann Gylfason
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild og Iðn- og tæknifræðideild/Dept. of Engineering og Dept. Of Applied Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Jónas Þór Snæbjörnsson, Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn og Michael Shannon Moorhead
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Dantec Streamline PRO

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The wind tunnel facility is designed for broad applications in fluid mechanics, for research and education at all levels, discovery and dissemination of knowledge. There is an immediate need for an improvement of the existing measurement equipment in the wind tunnel laboratory to meet the objectives in the recently funded, three-year research project: Wind Power Installations in Harsh Environments (RANNIS IRF). This project is based on a multi-purpose wind tunnel, capable of simulating atmospheric boundary layer to assess wind farm efficiency, wind loads during high strength gusts, and fouling by dust, hail or rain.

Other, highly relevant research projects led by the collaborators in this proposal, including wind loads on Bridges, cables and power lines, power plant components, and shape optimization of aerial vehicles would benefit greatly by the application of this facility, as would projects that simulate wind patterns in residential areas.

On the teaching side, it is essential to increase the visibility and capability of the thermal-fluids laboratory at Reykjavik University for both the Department of Engineering and the Department of Applied Engineering. It is abundantly clear that topics relevant to sustainable energy generation, and efficiency in electrical generation and transport are of highest concern for our society. On this front, the Iceland School of Energy and the Department of Engineering offer a variety of courses in sustainable energy, including wind power, that would benefit greatly from a devoted thermal fluids laboratory. It is particularly interesting to be able to increase the lab-based aspects of this program to increase the depth and scope of the education provided, and further strengthen the ties of the program with international collaborators and attract visiting students.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Hjalti Rúnar Oddsson
  • Deild / Department: Íþróttafræðideild og Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Sport Science and Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Magnús Kjartan Gíslason og Hafrún Kristjánsdóttir
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Vald Humantrak, Vald Dynamo, Vald Forceframe, Vald Nordbord

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Innviðirnir verða nýttir bæði við kennslu og rannsóknir í Verkfræði og Íþróttafræði. Varðandi kennsluna, þá eru eftirfarandi námskeið þar sem innviðirnir yrðu nýttir: T-561-LIFF (Lífaflfræði), T-828-BIOMM (Advanced Biomechanics), T-562-EMG1 (Vöðvarafrit), E-103-ANAT (Líffærafræði), E-213-KINE (Hreyfingafræði), E-614-IFEN (Íþróttameiðsl, forvarnir og endurhæfing) E-512-PEME (Afkastamælingar) E-107-DVSP (Styrk- og aflþjálfun) E-712-TPME, (Þjálfunarlífeðlisfræði og mælingar) E-716-MOVE (Hagnýt hreyfingafræði og fyrirbyggjandi þjálfun). Þau rannsóknarverkefni þar sem innviðirnir myndu nýtast vel væru t.d. notkun IMU nema til mælinga á fínhreyfingum höfuðs annars vegar og axla hins vegar. Myndavélin myndi nýtast vel til að samkeyra hreyfimælingar með IMU nema. Einnig myndi opnast möguleiki á að bæta við mælingum á styrk hálsvöðva og axlavöðva. Annað verkefni þar sem innviðirnir myndu nýtast væri rannsókn á notkun nýrrar fótapressu til að sporna við vöðvarýrnun í eldri borgurum, þar sem kraftnemarnir eru meðfærilegir, er hægt að framkvæma mælingarnar á þátttakendum sem eru á Landakoti til að magntaka hvernig þjálfunin auki styrk í fótum. Innviðinir myndu einnig nýtast í rannsóknum á áhrifum hreyfiinngrips fyrir 65 ára og eldri í Kópavogsbæ sem og á rannsóknum á afkastagetu afreksíþróttafólks þeirra sérsambanda og sem að íþróttafræðideild er í samstarfi við.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Brynja Björk Magnúsdóttir
  • Deild / Department: Sálfræðideild / Dept. of Psychology
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Hanna Steinunn Steingrímsdóttir og Kamilla Rún Jóhannsdóttir
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: EEGO mylab

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: As mentioned previously, this EEGO mylab system will expand our EEG neuroimaging research and teaching capacity in the Departments of Psychology and Engineering, firstly with an ongoing research project exploring event-related potentials (ERPs) associated with feedback presentation during a matching-to-sample (MTS) experimental paradigm. Preliminary findings from the recent pilot investigation in a sample of n=11 participants underscore the sensitivity of ERP measures to feedback presentation during an MTS paradigm, providing new insight into the cortical neurodynamics of error monitoring and response adjustment in the establishment of conditional discriminations.

Likewise, the new equipment will facilitate the teaching of practical applications for the following courses at Reykjavík University:

  • EEG in Psychological Research
  • Medical Instrumentation and Biosignal Analysis
  • Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Neurodynamics and Neurostimulation.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Juliet Ann Newson
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering / Iceland School of Energy
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Vala Hjörleifsdóttir og Jacob Kaminski
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: FLUKE equipment (Five x 62 Max+ IR Thermometer, Five x Fluke 51 II Thermometer, One x Fluke 54 II B Dual input hitamælir, Six x Fluke 80PK-22 Hita próbur, One x Fluke Hitanemi með oddi K-gerð)

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Field data collection for teaching (up to 5 groups of students) and research.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 2.488.276 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: María Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Guðrún Arnbjörg Sævarsdóttir, Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn og Ximena Guardia Muguruza
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: GeoEjector

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Búnaðurinn verður notaður í tilraunum í verkefninu GeoEjector og er þá viðbót og umbætur á núverandi tilraunaaðstöðu sem staðsett er í Orkutæknistofu á 1.hæð í húsnæði HR.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 700.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Paolo Gargiulo
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn, Magnús Kjartan Gíslason og Ólafur Eysteinn Sigurjónsson
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: GrabCAD Research Package

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: In general, all the current applications made in the ICAAM lab will benefit from using the new software, following 2 examples of applications of Digital Anatomy Creator (DAC) and GrabCad Pro.

1. realization of synthetic knee cartilage to study the mechanical response of aging and diseased subjects, especially with osteoarthritis. Data from the Restore Database (European Project) were provided to have the 3D models of interest. Then, two dedicated polymers were designed and realized to mimic the elastic properties of human cartilage. The resulting Young’s Moduli of the two blends embrace the empirical results found in the literature (Ciliberti et. Al., 2023). Meanwhile, a complementary approach of realizing a fiber-reinforced composite was tested with a dedicated matrix characterized by the absence of mechanical resistance. The cartilage layered structure with different fibers orientation and dimensions resembling the collagen, were realized and the tests showed an anisotropic mechanical behavior depending on the fiber orientation with an overall Elastic modulus almost 50% below the biological counterpart (Dolino & Coato et. al., 2023). The next step is to merge the two approaches to obtain a morphologically accurate cartilage, with a comparable elastic module and an anisotropy based on the fiber orientation and organization (Preliminary unpublished data). The role of DAC software was crucial in the workflow since allowed us to design the blends and it will permit in the future to tune the composition of the blends based on the mechanical properties that we want to achieve.

2. study of mechanical failure of the metastatic vertebral body. The disease is life-threatening, subjects are often under- or over-treated due to a lack of sensitivity to the actual scale and the research has to rely on rare and costly ex-vivo donor parts. The importance of using synthetic solutions to enhance knowledge in the field and to provide a reliable and accurate tool to better address the treatment policy is crucial. The idea was to replicate the mechanical failure of healthy and metastatic vertebrae. Several materials were characterized and the best composition for both bone and metastasis was found (Forni, 2024 under revision). Then, a test on the real subject vertebral body was done, encapsulating the vertebra and the metastasis in cylindrical-shaped support to optimize the testing phase. Our set-up showed a good match with the ex-vivo fracture way and load, achieving a fractural load of 5870 N on planes at 45°, similar to most of the findings in the published research study (Forni, 2024 under revision). The workflow has been validated with an additional pool of five subjects with different sizes and positions of metastasis (Unpublished results). Since it has been demonstrated that the position and the size of the metastasis matter, we can scale and move the metastasis 3D model in different positions of the vertebral body to explore scenarios that are not present in donor specimens enhancing the risk factors associated with mechanical failure.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 1.900.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Þórður Helgason
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: -
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: eego24 (heilariti)

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Fyrirhuguð notkun er við rannsóknir á hreyfingum mænu- og heilaskaðaðra. Þeir eru bornir saman við einstaklinga án skaða. Þannig fæst þekking á breytingum vegna skaðans, hvernig hann þróast og á áhrifum meðferðar. Þetta á einnig við um íþróttamenn og áhrif þjálfunar á þeirra hreyfigetu. Nemendur í námskeiðinu Taugaverkfræði læra á búnaðinn og á úrvinnslu gagna úr honum. Þá nemendur í rannsóknartengdu verkefni. Íþróttafræðin og sálfræðin getur einnig notað búnað af þessu tagi. Ekki vannst tími til að fá fólk úr þeim deildum til að taka þátt í þessari umsókn nú eins og í mörgum öðrum.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Torfi Þórhallsson
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Elias August
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Go2 EDU Plus_U2

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: To better prepare graduates for a career in robotics and automation, two new courses will be developed within the MSc program in Mechatronics: 1) a course on the dynamics and control of robot motion, and 2) a course on embodied artificial intelligence. The first course will also be open to undergraduates. The courses include laboratory components that prepare the students for solving complex tasks with real robots in real environments. Exercises will be conducted using the ROS 2 software framework for robot development, an open-source framework that is widely used in research and in robotics startups.

Specifically, quadruped robots will be used to exercise locomotion, navigation, and human-robot interaction tasks. As an example, quadruped robots could be trained to walk in different terrain on and around the university premises. The proposal calls for the acquisition of two robots to facilitate cooperation and competition and as a contingency against equipment failure. Simple manipulation will be exercised using an existing Franka Emika robot arm with two finger parallel gripper that also runs ROS 2. A dexterous robot manipulator will be added later and is outside the scope of the proposal.

The robots will be used for research in embodied artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing in conjunction with additional hardware such as event cameras. This will take the form of MSc and PhD theses projects. Unitree robots have been widely adopted for research. Research published using these quadruped robots is more widely used and cited..

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: María Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Guðrún Arnbjörg Sævarsdóttir
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Rafgreinar til kennslu og kynningar

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Hér er sótt um styrk til að kaupa rafgreina fyrir rafgreiningu á vetni sem mun nýtast við kennslu og rannsóknir við HR.

Ísland stefnir á að fasa út jarðefnaeldsneyti á næstu áratugum og til þess að það verði mögulegt þarf aðra orkugjafa til. Vetni hefur verið nefnt sem mögulegur orkuberi, bæði í hreinu formi eða til nýtingar í framleiðslu á öðrum orkugjöfum s.s. ammóníaki sem auðveldara er að geyma og flytja en vetni.

Mörg verkefni hafa verið gerð við Verkfræðideild sem snúa að vetnisframleiðslu en til þessa hefur ekki verið hægt að vera með puttana beint í vetnisframleiðslunni sjálfri. Því er mikilvægt að til séu tæki og kennsluefni sem gera nemendum kleift að fá betri innsýn og dýpt inn í vetnisframleiðsluna með því að framleiða vetnið sjálf.

Hér er stefnt á að setja upp tvær mismunandi gerðir af rafgreinum til nota við kennslu, annars vegar PEM rafgreini og hins vegar Alkaline rafgreini. Þessar tvær aðferðir eru notaðar við vetnisframleiðslu og er mikilvægt að nemendur hafi sýn inn í báðar aðferðir.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 1.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn
  • Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Jónas Þór Snæbjörnsson, Eyþór Rafn Þórhallsson og Magnús Kjartan Gíslason
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Medium-range universal testing machine

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The 34TM-50 universal testing machine can be integrated into teaching in various courses, including Statics and Mechanics of Materials (T-106-BURD), Machine Elements (T-401-VELH), Machine Elements I (VT VHF1003), Machine Element Design (VT VHF2013), and Advanced Biomechanics (T-828-BIOMM).

The machine can be used to test composite materials, a long-standing and ongoing research topic at RU. Its capacity to apply forces up to 50 kN makes it suitable for various composite testing applications that require accuracy and detailed demonstration of material behaviour. This would, therefore, allow RU researchers to evaluate composite materials' mechanical properties in accordance with international standards more effectively and reliably than currently possible.

The Icelandic Center for Additive Manufacturing (ICAAM) has advanced 3D printers, including the J850 and Modix, funded by RANNIS and RU Infrastructure Funds, respectively. The J850 specializes in creating multi-material parts that are soft and rigid and can print unique material combinations that simulate the mechanical properties of native tissues and bones. This capability is pivotal for developing models that realistically mimic human organs and complex vascular and bone structures when force is applied. Utilizing the 34TM-50 machine, this setup presents new research opportunities to analyze the mechanical properties of these 3D-printed products.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 4.000.000 kr./ISK


  • Umsækjandi / Applicant: Marcel Kyas
  • Deild / Department: Tölvunarfræðideild / Dept. of Computer Science
  • Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Joseph T Foley og Hannes Högni Vilhjálmasson
  • Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Medium-range universal testing machine

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: We will use the LIDAR and the RTK systems to expand our drone research opportunities. The batteries are needed to maintain the operating time of the drone and the base station because the additional LIDAR increases the drone's power draw.

We use the RTK base station and drone to improve its position estimates. This improved positioning enables us to capture the data described below with much higher precision. It also allows us to navigate the drone more precisely, especially near buildings.

We will propose a project with HÍ on measuring the composition, expansion, flow, and shape of plumes and lava flows during volcanic eruptions and cooling lava fields after the eruption. We repeat flyovers to create time lapses of how cooling lava moves.

We are using the Dual Gimbal Connector. We can use the existing thermal camera and the LIDAR at the same time, and we can capture a 3D representation of heat distribution on lava fields.

The same technology can create 3D representations of glaciers and their surface temperature. This data helps to understand glacial surface motion and melting better.

The paired LIDAR with the camera can create 3D scans of large structures, e.g., buildings, trees and other vegetation. This can create faithful models of existing buildings, parks, and forests. These digital models can be used to preserve the look and position of buildings as part of our heritage.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 3.195.568 kr./ISK

Grants 2023

The RU Infrastructure Fund has awarded 9 grants. The total amount awarded is 20.058.000 ISK. The application submission deadline was April 15, 2023, and the Fund received 16 applications. The total amount applied was 39.336.042 ISK. Below is information on the projects receiving grants from the Fund 2023. This is the third time the Fund allocates grants. The role of the Fund is to provide grants for the purchase and/or development of equipment, databases, software, and other equipment that is considered important for progress in teaching and research at RU. In assessing applications, consideration is given to the quality of the application and application documents, e.g., taking into account the following points:

  • The importance of the infrastructure for progress in teaching and research at RU.
  • Predictable utilization of the infrastructure between RU's departments or between employees.
  • Reality and consideration of cost estimates.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Paolo Gargiulo

Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: María Kristín Jónsdóttir, Hafrún Kristjánsdóttir, Anna Sigríður Islind

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Postural control signature: Advanced assessment and diagnostics using the BioVRSea paradigm

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: We will use the infrastructure to achieve the following objectives: Develop a multi-modal signature for postural control (PC) physiological response in healthy subjects and in details:

1. Assess physiologically comprehensive responses in healthy subjects

• Evaluate the ranges of statistical differences within gender, age and specific cases e.g.:

o Differences between motion sickness (MS) prone and not prone participants

o Difference between sea-habituated and non- sea-habituated sailors

2. Define a normative model for healthy subjects based on brain, muscle and heart-related metrics, including advanced signal processing techniques such as:

• Dynamics of functional brain networks

• Corticomuscular coherence and intramuscular coherence markers

3. Characterise the differences between healthy and pathological responses and classify different cohorts using advanced statistics and machine learning techniques. We will recruit individuals with the following conditions that affect PC:

• Early-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD)

• Sport-related concussion

• Anxiety symptoms over clinical cut-off

4. Develop subject-specific postural control signatures.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Magnús Kjartan Gíslason

Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Paolo Gargiulo, Hafrún Kristjánsdóttir

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Advanced EMG measurements for postural control assessment and biomechanical analysis.

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The system would be used both in research projects and in teaching. It would mostly be used in relation to biomechanical and neuromuscular control-related research. There are various projects that the infrastructure could be used for, as well as courses that are already being taught at RU. The infrastructure would be an important asset in the neurotech project.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 2.500.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Ingi Þór Einarsson

Deild / Department: Íþróttafræðideild / Dept. of Sport Science

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Jose Saavedra, Sveinn Þorgeirsson, Hjalti Rúnar Odsson

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Þol mælingar í Sport Lab

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Members of the Sport Lab (PAPESH research center) are currently conducting 3 research where VO2max is one of the main outcome variables. Since the PNOE device has been failing more often we have relied on borrowing a Cosmed K5 unit. The Cosmed K5 unit is very reliable and we would like to be able to continue to use it in measurements. With the success of our previous projects, we are sure to continue on the same research path. This fits well with the line we have been taking in the build-up of the sport Lab.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Steinunn Gróa Sigurðardóttir

Deild / Department: Sálfræðideild / Dept. of Psychology

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Anna Sigríður Islind, María Óskarsdóttir

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: DataWell: Data-driven Psychiatric Healthcare through a Digital Platform

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: DataWell can and has been used in teaching. It outlines a showcase that is used in a wide variety of courses at this moment (with applications in courses like interaction design, discrete math, data science, final projects, while also having a solid placement within the digital health master). It would outline a capstone case for the courses taught in the digital health master program allowing distance learners to collaborate on code, through a layered-modular architectural approach. Additionally, the healthcare professionals‘ side of the platform would cater to our long withstanding collaboration with Landspítali Háskólasjúkrahús, which is an important alliance for NeuroTech, as well as for the growing interest in digital health at Reykjavik University. Importantly, the results yielded from the implementation of the healthcare professionals overview, would lead to a scientific publication that would land in the PhD thesis of Steinunn Gróa (the PI of this project). In addition to that, the healthcare professionals’ side of the platform, proposed as the cornerstone in this project, will be used by healthcare professionals working with patients dealing with complex mental illnesses in Iceland. The programming knowledge, and code can also be used for teaching, as the development of a novel digital platform within healthcare, and actual code from such development is hard to come by and would be valuable as teaching material. Consequently, this particular funding would allow for the expansion of advancing research on topics of data-driven healthcare and digital health at Reykjavik University.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Marcel Kyas

Deild / Department: Tölvunarfræðideild / Dept. of Computer Science

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Joseph Timothy Foley, Haraldur Auðunsson, Juliet Ann Newson

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Matrice 300 RTK Drone with Thermal Camera

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Marcel’s graduate researcher Joshua Springer will use the drone to test autonomous landing methods for his PhD research, which involves sensing the terrain below the drone and identifying safe landing sites in real time. The current drone has a limited flight time of 5 minutes, can only fit a Raspberry Pi, and can only fly during calm, dry weather. The Matrice 300 RTK increases the flight time to 55 minutes and provides more accurate terrain data to the developed landing algorithms. The algorithms may run on specialized computers such as a Jetson Nano, significantly improving the algorithm’s performance. The Matrice 300 RTK is weather-proofed (IP45) and would allow for more experiments during unfavourable weather.

Haraldur and Juliet will use the drone to collect more accurate geothermal data at sites around Iceland. The thermal data can be surveying soil and water temperature in natural areas and surveying geothermal surface plants for temperature caused by leaks and scaling, which one of Juliet’s students is working on. Haraldur’s current drone (a Mavic 3T) provides thermal data. However, the data from the Mavic 3T must be processed by proprietary software, whereas the Matrice 300 RTK with Zenmuse H20T provides the raw data, which allows for better processing options. It can also geotag the data with centimetre accuracy, whereas the Mavic 3T has a positional error on the order of meters. With better geotagging, the data can be transformed into accurate maps, allowing the best compatibility with other software and more insight into mapped geothermal and other earth science phenomena (i.e. visible lineaments).

The SIF water sampling project will use the Matrice 300 RTK to collect improved microplastic sampling data. The current drone SplashDrone 4’s limited payload (2kg), power delivery system (10W), and simple PWM output require it to land in the water during timed sampling (30 minutes), which introduces contamination. Contamination is accounted for in a separate calibration. The Matrice 300 RTK alternative is to hover over the water while running the sampling unit at a higher power (68W) until the sampler signals completion directly to the operator. Samples are expected to have lower contamination with more accurate volume.

The Matrice 300 RTK will benefit teaching. Despite logistical challenges, because the drone must be used outside of Reykjavik, we will use the drone in the new course Autonomous Robotics, a biannual course taught by Marcel, to gather data for teaching situational awareness. The Iceland School of Energy will use it during the Energy Field School to teach about geothermal and geographic features and to gather data for group exercises on Iceland energy and the Icelandic environment. Students in the classes Engineering X, taught annually by Joseph, and Final Project (Computer Science), taught every term, do projects that extend the sensing and acting capabilities of the drone (e.g., terrain sensing, grabbing of samples or garbage, geographical and environmental data collection). Graduate students will be involved in projects using the drone to estimate overhead power line sag..

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: María Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir

Deild / Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Indriði Sævar Ríkharðsson

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: GeoEjector

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Líkt og áður hefur komið fram var keyptur nýr gufuketill fyrir styrkfé frá Innviðasjóði HR árið 2021.

Sá gufuketill hefur annað og meira notkunarsvið en sá sem sótt er um uppbyggingu á í þessari lýsingu.

Það er full ástæða til að hafa tvo starfhæfa gufukatla innan veggja HR til að hægt sé að sinna ólíkum verkefnum sem þarfnast gufuframleiðslu samhliða, auk þess sem gamli gufuketillinn er ónothæfur eins og staðan er og því töpuð verðmæti.

Slíku er hægt að snúa við í mikilvægan innvið með miklum notkunarmöguleikum ef styrkur fæst.

Markmið á uppbyggingu á innviðarins til rannsókna:

Við Verkfræðideild Háskólans í Reykjavík eru m.a. framkvæmdar rannsóknir á sviði jarðhita. Nú er starfræktur hópur vísindamanna sem nýtir tölulega varma- og straumfræði til að spá fyrir um hegðun vökva við krefjandi skilyrði, s.s. vatns og gufu í búnaði jarðhitavirkjana.

Mikilvægt er að sannreyna niðurstöður slíkra líkana með tilraunum og þar kemur gufuketill inn sem nauðsynlegur þáttur þegar verið er að líkja eftir hegðun vatns og gufu, t.d. í jarðhitakerfum og jarðhitavirkjunum.

Slíkar rannsóknir í deildinni hafa verið framkvæmdar og birtar en ljóst er að þörf er á að byggja upp þennan gufuketil til að hægt verði að útvíkka og efla þetta rannsóknarsvið.

Dæmi um rannsóknarverkefni sem eru í vinnslu þar sem uppfærður gufuketill yrði nýttur eru:

• Rauntímamælingar á vermi á jarðhitavökva

• Mælingar á kísilútfellingum í búnaði jarðhitavirkjana

• Þróun á gufuþeysi til að samtengja misöflugar borholur

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 558.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Kristinn R Þórisson

Deild / Department: Tölvunarfræðideild / Dept. of Computer Science

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Indriði Sævar Ríkharðsson, Torfi Þórhallsson

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Robot arm with a vision system and grippers for AI systems implementation and evaluation

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The infrastructure is intended to be used as a platform for development and evaluation of different AI, robotics and computer vision methodologies. By using robotic arms as a testbed, we can better understand how the AI-based control architectures can be modified to autonomously perform a variety of physical tasks, from simple object gripping to more complex tasks such as recognizing objects and then learning manipulation strategies in novel environments.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 1.000.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Anna Sigríður Islind

Deild / Department: Tölvunarfræðideild / Dept. of Computer Science

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Paolo Gargiulo

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Realize Medical: Virtual Reality System for Medical Modeling

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The Elucis software can be used in teaching. It would for example be a relevant teaching tool within the courses of the digital health master program allowing distance learners to use hands-on digital anatomy data, partake in virtual surgical planning, and advanced 3D modeling. Additionally, the software could be used to develop training modules for engineers, medical doctors, and nurses in anatomy and medical image. As we are now entering into the new era of NeuroTech at Reykjavik

University, the distance module that Elucis provides, will become even more prominent, as we can effectively collaborate within the environment through it. In addition to that, the Elucis software can be used in research. It can be employed to design and develop novel procedures for surgical planning as well as surgical simulation, improving current methodologies and above all, allowing for advanced distance learning, collaboration and mentoring for hands-on research projects at a distance.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Umsækjandi / Applicant: Rannveig S. Sigurvinsdóttir

Deild / Department: Sálfræðideild / Dept. of Psychology

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Bryndís Björk Ásgeirsdóttir

Heiti innviðar / Name of the infrastructure: Hágæða sýndarveruleikabúnaður sem mælir augnhreyfingar

Stutt lýsing á fyrirhugaðri notkun innviðarins / Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Tæknin sem verður strax nýtt í verkefnið Gagnsemi dómsals í sýndarveruleika (Sjá vefsíðu: Verkefninu er ætlað að styðja þolendur kynferðisofbeldis, og fékk það styrk úr Rannsóknasjóði í janúar 2022. Verkefnið er þverfaglegt samstarfsverkefni sérfræðinga á sviði sálfræði, tölvunarfræði og lögfræði, sem vinna hjá HR, Háskóla Íslands, og Ríkislögreglustjóra. Mikilvægt er að öðlast skilning á því hvernig fólk bregst við dómsal í sýndarveruleika, með möguleika á því að auðvelda þolendum að bera vitni. Samþætting augnmælinga og líffræðilegra mælinga er mikilvæg fyrir þetta verkefni, þar sem ákveðnar tilgátur eru um að þolendur eigi erfitt með að einbeita sér vegna áhrifa gerandans í salnum. Með þessum mælingum er hægt að sjá hvort gerandi trufli athygli þolandans, sem hefur eftir bestu vitund rannsakenda ekki verið kannað áður. Auk þess nýtast mælingar á augnhreyfingum ásamt hugbúnaði (sem þegar hefur verið keyptur) til þess að einfalda bæði fyrirlögn rannsóknarinnar og úrvinnslu gagna sem mun draga úr líkum á villum og mannlegum mistökum.

Eftir að tæknin hefur verið nýtt í þetta verkefni mun hún vera aðgengileg öllum rannsakendum innan HR sem hafa áhuga á að mæla augnhreyfingar í sýndarveruleika. Slík verkefni geta verið mjög fjölbreytt. Til að mynda geta augnhreyfingar nýst í rannsóknum á markaðsfræði, kennsluþróun, umhverfissálfræði, rannsóknum á fælni, athygli, og á því hvernig heilinn vinnur með sjónrænar upplýsingar.

Styrkupphæð / Grant amount: 1.000.000 Kr.

Grants in 2022


Applicant: Paolo Gargiulo

Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn

Name of the infrastructure: Supermicor 7039A-I Mid-Tower DP Workstation

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The workstation will be used:

  1. to develop prototypes that can be used in testing and innovation in the geothermal and automotive industries for testing new and existing models.
  2. to design implants from images software for example 3shape.
  3. to design molds and thermoforming tools, rapid manufacturing of grips, jigs, and fixtures.
  4. to optimize and validate exiting and new products

Grant amount: 2.000.000 Kr.


Applicant: Ármann Gylfason

Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn, Einar Jón Ásbjörnsson, Jónas Þór Snæbjörnsson

Name of the infrastructure: Engineering design, disassembly and transport of existing tunnel and equipment, including electrical infrastructure.

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: The wind tunnel facility is designed for broad applications in fluid mechanics, for research and education at all levels, discovery and dissemination of knowledge. There is an immediate need for an improvement of the existing wind tunnel to meet the objectives of the recently funded, three-year research project: Wind Power Installations in Harsh Environments (RANNIS IRF). This project requires a multi-purpose wind tunnel, capable of simulating the atmospheric boundary layer to assess wind farm efficiency, wind loads during high strength gusts, and fouling by dust, hail or rain.

Other, highly relevant research projects led by the collaborators in this proposal, including wind loads on Bridges, cables and power lines, power plant components, and shape optimization of aerial vehicles would benefit greatly from the application of this facility, as would projects that simulate wind patterns in residential areas.

On the teaching side, it is essential to increase the visibility and capability of the thermal-fluids laboratory at Reykjavik University. It is abundantly clear that topics relevant to sustainable energy generation, and efficiency in electrical generation and transport are of the highest concern for our society. On this front, the Iceland School of Energy and the Department of Engineering, offer a variety of courses in sustainable energy, including wind power, that would benefit greatly from a devoted thermal fluids laboratory. It is particularly interesting to be able to increase the lab-based aspects of this program to increase the depth and scope of the education provided, and further strengthen the ties of the program with international collaborators and attract visiting students.

Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Applicant: Andrei Manolescu

Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Halldór Guðfinnur Svavarsson, Ágúst Valfells, Paolo Gargiulo

Name of the infrastructure: UV Laser

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Our group, called the Nanophysics Center of Reykjavik University, , includes four permanent faculty members, Ágúst Valfells, Andrei Manolescu, Halldór Guðfinnur Svavarsson, and Sigurður Ingi Erlingsson, several postdocs, Ph.D., Master's, and BS students. We work on several research topics, the most relevant for this application being vacuum electronics, the photoresponse of thin films, silicon nanowires, and perovskite photovoltaics. In recent years our activities gained a lot of momentum, and one important objective of this application – from our point of view – is to establish a research lab in our own building (Reykjavik University) equipped for our specific needs. The other wavelengths, in the infrared or visible domain, are useful in projects on photovoltaics, for the characterization of thin films, perovskite materials, silicon nanowires, or other materials studied at the Nanophysics Center.

Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Applicant: Slawomir Marcin Koziel

Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Anna Pietrenko-Dabrowska

Name of the infrastructure: High-performance computing unit with four GPUs

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Extensive (round-the-clock) repetitive electromagnetic simulations using CST Microwave Studio, which is necessary to conduct numerical experiments for the modeling and optimization techniques being developed in EOMC. As mentioned before, re-orienting our research towards AI- and machine-learning-based methods results in a tremendous increase in computational resource demands.

Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Applicant: Ingi Þór Einarsson

Department: Íþróttafræðideild / Dept. of Sport Science

Co-proposers: Íþróttafræðideild / Dept. of Sport Science

Name of the infrastructure: The Monark 894E

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: We have long needed a device to measure peak anaerobic power as we can do with the Monark894e bike. We have also been missing a bike to measure VO2max both in teaching as well as in our research like the ones with Liposan and the Driftline. We are also starting research with an external partner where many participants will not be able to run on a treadmill but will be able to bike on a stationary bike like the AtomX. We will also use the bikes in our practical teaching in courses like Exercise physiology, strength, and conditioning and in our new diploma program.

Grant amount: 1.965.000 Kr.


Applicant: Birna Baldursdóttir

Department: Sálfræðideild / Dept. of Psychology

Meðumsækjendur / Co-proposers: Erna Sif Arnardóttir, Hafrún Kristjánsdóttir, Anna Sigríður Islind

Name of the infrastructure: Virknimælar (e. actigraphs) af tegundinni ActTrust frá framleiðandanum Condor

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Kaup á 38 nýjum virknimælum til viðbótar þeim 240 mælum sem nú þegar eru til mun ótvírætt skapa fjölmörg ný tækifæri til að framkvæma stórar þverfaglegar rannsóknir á Íslandi. Aðkoma fleiri rannsóknarhópa að verkefninu tryggir einnig að tækjabúnaðurinn mun nýtast vel og verður að öllum líkindum nýttur flesta daga ársins. Búnaðurinn mun einnig stuðla að samstarfi milli rannsóknahópa innan HR sem utan, jafnvel hópa sem ekki hafa unnið mikið saman áður. Mikilvægt er að vísindasamfélagið á Íslandi hafi aðgang að góðum og verulegum fjölda mælitækja vegna þess að oftast byggja rannsóknir á samfeldum vikulöngum mælingum. Samnýting mælitækjanna er því augljós kostur.

Nú þegar eru styrkumsækjendur í rannsóknasamvinnu þar sem fyrirliggjandi virknimælar eru nýttir í rannsóknum á ýmsum sviðum. Má þar nefna rannsókn á líðan háskólanema í HR en þar eru virknimælarnir notaðir til að kanna hreyfi- og svefnmynstur þátttakenda. Í rannsókn á áhrifum ljósameðferðar og svefnfræðslu á svefn og vellíðan unglinga sem framkvæmd var árið 2021 í tveimur grunnskólum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu voru fyrirliggjandi virknimælar notaðir. Að auki eru mælarnir notaðir í slembiraðaðri samanburðarrannsókn sem fékk öndvegisstyrk Rannís 2018 en í þeirri rannsókn er verið að kanna áhrif ljósameðferðar á þreytu og líðan kvenna sem eru í meðferð við brjóstakrabbameini (e. Bright Light Therapy to Treat Cancer-Related Fatigue among Breast Cancer patients undergoing Chemotherapy, styrknr. 184999). Það er því mjög mikil eftirspurn eftir þeim virknimælum sem þegar eru til staðar enda hafa þeir reynst mjög vel.

Þeir virknimælar sem hér er óskað eftir styrk til að kaupa munu sömuleiðis nýtast í rannsóknasamstarfi umsækjenda sem og annars vísindafólks í framtíðinni. Þessi tækjabúnaður mun því ótvírætt veita vísindafólki þann möguleika að framkvæma þverfaglegar, framsæknar og öflugar rannsóknir á komandi árum. Að þessari umsókn stendur rannsóknarhópur í sálfræðideild HR (aðalumsækjandi) í samstarfi við rannsóknarhópa í Svefnsetri HR (með aðsetur í verkfræðideild HR), tölvunarfræðideild HR og íþróttafræðideild HR.

Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Applicant: Halldór Guðfinnur Svavarsson

Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Andrei Manolescu, Ágúst Valfells, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir

Name of the infrastructure: Rafeindasmásjá (e. scanning electron microscope, SEM), tabletop unit.

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Flestir kennarar og doktors-nemendur sem sinna verklegum tilraunum þurfa reglulega að nota SEM. Vegna þess hversu algengar SEM eru orðið erlendis er full ástæða til að kenna verkfræði-nemendum á MSc stigi að nota þessa tækni. Tækið skapar einnig mun víðari samstarfsgrundvöll við erlenda rannsóknahópa sem og fjölmörg Íslensk tæknifyrirtæki. Tækið mun að ýmsu leyti valda straumhvörfum í rannsókna-aðstöðu verkfræðideildar og kennslu í framhaldsnámi.

Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.


Applicant: Hannes Páll Þórðarson

Department: Iðn- og tæknifræðideild / Dept. of Applied Engineering

Co-proposers: Paolo Gargiulo, Aldís Ingimarsdóttir, Indriði Sævar Ríkharðsson

Name of the infrastructure: 3D scanni fyrir Heilbrigðissetur, orku- og véltæknifræði, byggingartæknifræði og verkfræði

Short description of the intended use of the infrastructure: Fyrir orku- og véltæknifræði: Skanna inn 3D módel fyrir FEM greiningu. Oft er erfitt að teikna upp rétt 3D módel af raunverulegum hlutum sem á að FEM greina. Einnig nýtist skanninn í gæðaeftirlit með því að bera saman teiknað 3D módel og raunverulegan hlut eftir smíði. Nýtt námskeið í framleiðslutækni er í vinnslu, og mun skanninn styðja vel við það námskeið.

Fyrir Heilbrigðstæknisetur myndi tækið skanna líkamshluta sjúklinga svo sé hægt að sér smíða hluti sem passa á líkama þeirra. Í dag þurfa einstaklingar að fara á sjúkrahús til að röntgengeisla líkamshluta, sem eykur álag á sjúkrahúsin og geislun sem sjúklingur verður fyrir.

Fyrir byggingartæknifræði væri skanninn notaður í burðarþolsrannssóknir með því að skanna inn bita sem þarf að brjóta í rauntíma með 3D myndbandi. Eining væri hægt að fara með skannann á byggingarsvæði til að nýta í eftirlit í nýbyggingum og viðbótum við byggð hús.

Grant amount: 3.000.000 Kr.

Grants in 2021

This is first time the Fund allocates grants. 13 grants were awarded. The total amount awarded is 23.160.162 ISK. 

The deadline for submitting applications was June 15, 2021 and the Fund received 17 applications. The total amount applied was 35.226.448 ISK. 

Computer Screens

Applicant: Hera Grímsdóttir

Department: Dept. of Applied Engineering

The new screens enable students to plug their computers in at RU when working on design assignments. 

Grant amount: 1.318.400 ISK

EMG and EEG for research and teaching in diagnosis and treatment in the central nervous system

Applicant: Þórður Helgason

Department: Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Sveinn Þorgeisson, Dept. of Sport Science, and Baldur Þorgilsson, Dept. of Applied Engineering

The new equipment significantly changes the possibilities for teaching. Students can be taught network neuroscience, a methodology that has been gaining ground in recent years. The intention here is to go a step further and add muscle to the analysis as well. The planned use of the infrastructure is in both scientific research in biomedical engineering and sports science. The device also opens up possibilities of research in psychology. The equipment will also be used in teaching in several courses.

Grant amount: 4.310.000 ISK

Steam boiler

Applicant: María Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir

Department: Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Guðrún Sævarsdóttir and Vijay Chauhan, Dept. of Engineering

The equipment will be of great importance for advances in energy research, e.g. regarding geothermal energy. These would include experiments on the flow of geothermal fluids, tests on geothermal equipment and verification of models that mimic and predict the behaviour of geothermal fluids and other flows where water and steam are involved.

Grant amount: 2.200.000 ISK

Drone for surveying

Applicant: Aldís Ingimarsdóttir

Department: Dept. of Applied Engineering

Co-proposers: Eyþór Rafn Þórhallsson, Dept. of Applied Engineering

The drone will be used to train students in making measurements with drones, linking those measurements to a map database with the aim of being able to use the map database in design, monitoring or quantification.

Grant amount: 400.000 ISK

Wind turbine simulator

Applicant: Guðmundur Kristjánsson

Department: Dept. of Applied Engineering

Co-proposers: Ragnar Kristjánsson, Dept. of Engineering

Wind turbines will most likely become part of electricity production in Iceland. This equipment would be used for teaching in technology and engineering as well as used in final projects and research.

Grant amount: 2.400.000 ISK

Large size product design lab – 3D printer

Applicant: Paolo Gargiulo

Department: Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Yonatan Afework Tesfahunegn, Joseph Timothy Foley, and Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Dept. of Engineering

The equipment will be used: 
1. to develop prototypes that can be used in testing and innovation in the geothermal and automotive industries for testing new and existing models.
2. to tailor make implants from images software for example 3shape.
3. to make molds and thermoforming tools, rapid manufacturing of grips, jigs, and fixtures.
4. to optimize currently existing solutions.
5. for educational purposes by showing students the possibilities opened by this technology.

Grant amount: 2.000.000 ISK

Optical Table

Applicant: Andrei Manolescu

Department: Dept. of Engineering
The Nanophysics Center conducts research on materials for electron emission, photovoltaics, photoconduction, and related topics. In a typical experimental setup light is sent to a sample of material, and often the beam must be very accurately oriented and focused. A correct alignment of the optical components of the setup, such as a laser or other light sources, lenses, beam splitter, etc., among themselves, and with the sample, is essential. For this reason, the setup is placed on a special surface, called optical table, which is a solid and heavy table made of steel, with a perfect surface and with an array of holes where the components are plugged and fixed with screws.

Grant amount: 1.850.000 ISK

Complete body composition measurement for public health and sports

Applicant: Sveinn Þorgeirsson

Department: Dept. of Sport Science

Co-proposers: Hjalti Rúnar Oddsson, Dept. of Sport Science

The device will provide us with practical use in class and research. For example, possible uses in class would include courses like performance measurements, physiology, public health, bio-mechanics, personal training. In research, Tanita would allow for more in depth analysis of the body composition of both athletes we are already testing and general public. We will have the possibility of providing body composition analysis of high caliber to athletes and general public.

Grant amount: 954.800 ISK

Internet of Things Laboratory

Applicant: Marcel Kyas

Department: Dept. of Computer Science

Co-proposers: Joseph Timothy Foley, Dept. of Engineering

Equip four workbenches with the switches for researchers and students to work on Ethernet-connected devices, especially those that are powered with PoE. Such devices include PLC, security cameras, and sensing devices. The switches will integrate into our existing network infrastructure and be maintained and supported by IT.

Grant amount: 910.400 ISK

Hyperspectral Camera

Applicant: Haraldur Auðunsson

Department: Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Torfi Þórhallsson and Andrei Manolescu, Dept. of Engineering

A machine of this kind is a natural part of the school's modern equipment and will increase the diversity of project-driven studies, whether directly in teaching, in independent studies or master's projects, and also in research at RU.

Grant amount: 3.360.000 ISK

The use of virtual reality in teaching and research

Applicant: Berglind Sveinbjörnsdóttir

Department: Dept. of Psychology

Co-proposers: Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson, Dept. of Computer Science, Linda Bára Lýðsdóttir and Kamilla Rún Jóhannsdóttir, Dept. of Psychology

VR headset to train psychology students in important skills, and utilise the vast knowledge that RU has already built up in the field of virtual reality training.

Grant amount: 265.337 ISK

Combined high-definition current-voltage source and current-voltage meter

Applicant: Halldór Guðfinnur Svavarsson

Department: Dept. of Engineering

Co-proposers: Haraldur Auðunsson, Ágúst Valfells og Slawomir Koziel, Dept. of Engineering

The device is intended to replace another comparable device owned by RU (was obtained with a grant from the Rannís Infrastructure Fund a few years ago) but suddenly broke down just a few days ago. It is unclear at this time if the device can be repaired. If it is possible, it is foreseen that it will take some time and repair costs will be high. The device that failed was not made for high voltage pulses, but it was such use that caused the failure. The new device applied for here has the advantage that it can withstand much higher voltages - up to 1100V.

Grant amount: 1.720.000 ISK

Towards a Robot Interaction Laboratory

Applicant: Torfi Þórhallsson

Department: Verkfræðideild / Dept. of Engineering

Evolutionary research suggests (Parker, 2003) that major advances in human intelligence followed the emergence of (1) vision and locomotion, (2) manipulation, and (3) language. It has been pointed out that success in artificial intelligence may follow the same path. The purpose of this application is to create a laboratory environment where answers to these questions can be explored, and applications developed. For these purposes, the laboratory will be developed over a period of time to include robots with locomotion, manipulation, and speech capabilities together with visual, tactile, and aural sensing and strong computation resources.

This application is a first step towards establishing such a facility, by acquiring a single compliant robot manipulator with a simple dextrous end-effector and tactile sensing. The robot manipulator will be used to teach advanced robotics at the graduate level (kinematics, path planning, collision avoidance, visual serving, tactile response). It is programmed using C++ and Python utilising the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework.

Grant amount: 1.471.225 ISK

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