Curriculum Council

  • Hanna Steinunn Steingrímsdóttir, Chairman (Department of Psychology)
  • Þóra Hallgrímsdóttir (Department of Law)
  • Haraldur Auðunsson (Department of Engineering)
  • Kristinn Torfason (Department of Continuing Education Programme)
  • Stefán Ólafsson (Department of Computer Science)
  • Hrefna Pálsdóttir (Teaching development)
  • Sveinn Þorgeirsson (Department of Sport Science)
  • Berglind Sveinbjörnsdóttir (Department of Psychology)
  • Indriði Sævar Ríkarðsson (Department of Applied Engineering)
  • Bryndís Ásbjarnardóttir (Department of Business and Economics)

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