Incoming Exchange Students

Reykjavik University welcomes around 250 exchange students to our campus each year. Students join us for one or two semesters, and we offer a wide selection of courses taught in English at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The university has exchange agreements with 200 universities around the world. If Reykjavik University does not have an exchange agreement with your university, you can apply as a Freemover. Please email our incoming team for information on how to apply.

Please note: Those interested in attending RU as an exchange student should contact their home university exchange office first to be nominated.

What can I study?

We offer a selection of courses for exchange students taught in English. However, Iceland School of Energy courses are exclusive to students from universities with a specific agreement or Freemover students. Our MBA Programme is mainly open to Freemover students. We are not able to accept students for thesis work unless a special agreement is in place for thesis collaboration.


A full-time workload is 30 ECTS. Students must take a minimum 18 ECTS and can take a maximum 36 ECTS, and 30 ECTS for the School of Business.

Course selection

The course catalogue will be ready on March 15th for the Fall semester and November 1st for the Spring. Courses available to exchange students are listed under each department under "Exchange Studies". Only courses listed under “Exchange Studies” are available to exchange students. Students may select courses from other departments, but you must make sure you meet the prerequisites for the courses. Below, you can find a preliminary selection of courses available for each department. 


Exchange Students

Nomination: All prospective exchange students must be nominated by their home University. Once a nomination has been processed and accepted, your home University will be sent a link to our online application form. Nomination by a home University does not guarantee admittance to Reykjavik University.

Exchange students:
Your home university must nominate you before you can apply. Once your nomination has been accepted, then you will be sent application instructions.

Free Mover students
Please get in touch with our international team for information about how to apply.

Application deadlines:
Completed application forms must be received before our application deadlines:

May 1st for admission to the autumn term, starting in August of the same year.
October 15th for admission to the spring term, starting in January of the following year.

If you have any special educational or physical needs, please provide a document confirming this. Further information can be found at Student Support

Practical Information

  • Visa and student residence permit for none EU residents      
  • Health insurance 

    Health insurance Applicants must have valid medical insurance for the first six months in Iceland, after which the applicant will be covered under the Icelandic health national insurance.

    • The minimum coverage must be ISK 2,000,000
    • Health insurance must be purchased from a company that is licensed to operate in Iceland. The name of your insurance company needs to be 100% correct on the list. If you are unsure, you can send an email to the Financial Supervisory Authority in Iceland at
    • Health Insurance policies can be purchased from Icelandic insurance companies starting from around 12,000 ISK for six months. They may be considerably cheaper than buying insurance in your home country.
    • Icelandic health insurance companies:,,,        
  • Housing
  • Cost of living 

Academic Information

Any questions?

Contact our International Office team:

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