Academic strength

Reykjavik University has a clear and progressive research strategy and stands first among equals in Iceland when it comes to research in its main academic fields. Overall, research activity is constantly rising, as is the number of publications in peer-reviewed outlets.

These achievements can be explained by many factors in the University´s working conditions and environment.  For instance, scientists adhere to recognised international research standards and RU has developed one of Iceland's largest and most advanced electronic libraries with excellent access to databases and e-journals in all of RU's fields of study. Here are a few more factors worth mentioning:

EU Human Resource Strategy in Research

Reykjavik University is the first Icelandic university to participate in a formal implementation program of the European Commission policy regarding the working environment of researchers. RU has made a commitment to adapt its overall human resources strategy and the working environment of its researchers to certain principles in line with EU policy in this area. 

International perspective

According to the research strategy, researchers must be active participants in the international research community, and research must meet the demanding requirements of said community. An important indicator of research success is the publishing of results in established peer-reviewed outlets and all researchers at RU should strive to achieve international recognition for their work. The quality of the research work is best ensured via peer review in academic forums.

Evaluation of research activities

An assessment of research activities within RU's academic schools has been conducted annually by a panel of international experts since 2007. In 2019, it was decided to do the assessment every second year. The assessment is in 2020 and then in 2022, etc. The panel members are asked to base their evaluation and, hence, their rating primarily on the quantity/quality of research output in peer-reviewed outlets. The panel is asked to note all comparisons to the international research community in each field and impact, also witnessed by citations, derived work, advising of doctoral students/post-docs, grants and status (roles as editor, PC member/organiser of conferences, examiner of PhD thesis, etc.). The result of the annual assessment is the basis for the allocation of research funds from the Ministry of Education and Culture between the academic departments.

Research Council

Reykjavik University has a very effective research council. Members are representatives from academic departments and a council chair is appointed by the President of Reykjavik University. The council formulates the University's research strategy and provides advice to the President of Reykjavik University and the RU Executive Committee for implementing the strategy.

Number of peer-reviewed RU-affiliated publications

  2012 2013 2014 20152016
2021 2022 

Articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals

132 148 174191180206197
 255274  284
  • Thereof articles in ISI-journals
102 109 111 149
170151178 169 229249  260

Articles and abstracts in peer-reviewed conferences/conference proceedings

199 222 196 219256257
 130 132 164

Peer-reviewed books

7 9 6 7
10 7 5 7 3 4

Peer-reviewed book chapters

20 27 26 2327
2124 20 3211  24

Other peer-reviewed publications

10 8 2
 4 7 7 4
 Total peer-reviewed RU-affiliated publications:
 367  396  378  429 487 474 447 402 431426 480 

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