Young innovators compete in RU

Competition that harness children's creativity and strengthens innovative work in primary schools



Matthildur Marteinsdóttir with the president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.

Reykjavík University recently hosted Nýsköpunarkeppni grunnskólanna (NKG), a competition for young innovators from 10-12 years old. The competition is organized in collaboration with RU, the University of Iceland, and other partners. The competition's main goal is to harness children's creativity and strengthen innovative work in primary schools. Preparation starts in the fall and ends with a workshop where finalists further implement their ideas with the help of instructors from RU, HÍ, and more.


This year 36 students competed with Matthildur Marteinsdóttir winning the main prize. Her idea is a solution suited for seniors and people with reduced mobility who need added time to cross pedestrian lights. Teachers accompanying her were Sigrún Baldursdóttir and Sveinn Bjarki Tómasson.