What will be the next step in your career?

Framadagar will be held next Friday, March 11 at 10 - 14 in Sólin in RU.


Framadagar will be held next Friday, March 11 at 10 - 14 in Sólin in RU. Framadagar AISEC give university students the opportunity to get familiar with companies and various possibilities for summer jobs, future jobs or project work.

Framadagar AIESEC. Ert þú að huga að næstu skrefum á vinnumarkaði?

Framadagar are also a good way for companies to meet potential future employees, with the event being extremely well attended. This year Reykjavik University will be hosting over 50 companies and organizations.

A photographer will be on site inviting students to have their picture taken to use for their CV and job applications. Additionally there will be talks and workshops throughout the day.


  • 10:00 Opening of Framadagar 2022 by the President of Iceland, President of Reykjavik University, and President of AIESEC in Iceland
  • 11:00 M101 - Keynote - Blue Lagoon - A moment of clarity: Pursuing a meaningful future by Fanney Þórisdóttir
  • 11:00 M105 - Workshop – Almenni lífeyrissjóðurinn - The Importance of Financial Literacy by Hrannar Bragi Eyjólfsson
  • 12:15 M103 - Keynote - EY - Sustainability through innovation by Hólmfríður Árnadóttir
  • 12:15 M104 - Keynote - EFTA - The Skills of Tomorrow by Hendrik Jonnson
  • 13:15 M103 - Keynote - The City of Reykjavik - Digital Transformation by Áslaug Eva Björnsdóttir
  • 13:15 M104 - Workshop - Dale Carnegie - Presenting with Impact by Rebekka Rún Jóhannesdóttir

Please sign up at: framadagar.com/skraning

Registration for photography takes place here.

Facebook: facebook.com/events/488949219466491

Instagram: instagram.com/framadagar_