RU ranked 101-200 in the Times Higher Education University Impact Ranking


Reykjavík University (RU) is ranked 101–200 in the overall 2019 Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings.

The results are based on scaled and pre-rounded performance of universities globally with regards to their social and economic impact which is based on the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. 

Reykjavik University scores high in these categories: Gender Equality (59th), Good Health and Wellbeing (101-200th), and Quality Education (86th). The factors taken into account are for example impact of university on economic growth, industry, development of infrastructure, and reaction to climate change. RU has been implementing the UN sustainability goals through their PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) initiative, and has achieved good results.

The University is ranked in more categories on THE´s 2018 & 2019 ranking lists. It ranks third to sixth in terms of scientific citations, along with Stanford University, MIT and Brandeis University. It is the fourteenth best small University (with less than 4000 students), 89th of young universities and 300-350th on the list of the world´s best universities.

 THE University Impact Rankings


Times Higher Education Impact Ranking