Law students fund raising to attend international competition


The six member team of law students from Reykjavik University has been practicing intensely these days for the upcoming international speech competition that will take place in Vienna in early April.They will compete in international arbitration law and international credit purchases. Both teams need to break up the role of a prosecutor and defense attorney in a difficult matter. It requires a brilliant speech, persuasion, and last but not least a good argument for the case.

Four of the six students that are on the team are writing a master thesis in law and two of them are on their fourth year. Their names are are the Lena Mjöll Markúsdóttir, Ásdís Auðunsdóttir, Anton Green Sigfússon Grim Mar Þórólfsson, Eygló Sif Sigfúsdóttir and Skúli Hakim Mechiat. Last October they were assigned articifcal langauge that they have prepared and transferred in the race Willem C. Vis next month. There will be 250 teams of law students from all over the World. “Everyone is struggling with the same problems, we have a few months to prepare. We began submitting policy and statement, defandtant returned in Decemeber and a report at the end of January,” explains Master student Lena.

“We are on both sides, plaintiff and defender. Right now we are drafting speeches and practicing the speech, preparing speeches and competing with each other. We are also equipped to compete in the online competition  conducted by Pace University in the U.S,” says Lena. Since receiving the review we took two teams, one American and one Polish. We used conference calls so competitors could see opponents and referees. “The judges intervene and ask questions in the middle of something and try to beat a man out of the song,” she says.