New board of The Student Association at Reykjavik University (SFHR)

All students are automatically members of SFHR



A new board of SFHR,  the Student Association at Reykjavik University has now been voted. Board members are preparing various events for their students this fall and look forward to new beginnings this August.

Magnús Már Gunnlaugsson is the new president of SFHR. The student body elects the board each spring, who serve a term of one year. The student government provides the University with restraints in terms of the quality of teaching and facilities available to students. SFHR is in good contact with the University administrators and is often called upon regarding the resolution of various issues within the University.

Board members with Magnús Már; Aron Kristinn Ágústsson treasurer, Ástþór Ingi Runólfsson student officer, Ebba Kristín Yngvadóttir communications officer, Kara Kristín Blöndal Haraldsdóttir vice-president, María Líf Magnúsdóttir marketing officer, and Rakel Sigmarsdóttir committee representative.

We are excited about new beginnings in August. We are currently working on planning various events and are starting to collaborate with exciting companies and associations. We look forward to seeing you all at RU next fall!