Equality days
October 5th - 7th

Reykjavík University takes part in Equality days October 5th - 7th.


Equality days' purpose is to connect and highlight the various angles of; diversity, privilege, the history of suppression, gender equality, power, and discrimination. These topics are open for discussion in order to increase understanding, visibility and stimulate momentum for the many individuals who take an active part in working towards equality.

The schedule is varied, creating a festive atmosphere whilst constructively critiquing the status quo as it pertains to equality matters.

RU Equality days are organised by the students' newly formed Equal Rights Society.

Monday October 5th

11am-1pm, location: Sun

  • Members of equality organisations speak with guests.

12pm, location: Sun

  • Equal Rights Society of Reykjavík University formally formed.
  • Registration open for RU's Equal Rights Society
  • Vagina boys
  • Idea box: anonymous tips and questions welcomed
  • A rainbow in the Sun
  • The Univeristies of Iceland perform a collaborative light show with the purpose of highlighting the importance of human rights and encourage discourse on equality matters. This is the first time the univeristies combine forces for a happening related to equal rights and the event is related to the UN's International year of light.

Lunch seminars

Tuesday October 6th

12pm - 12:20, location: classroom V108

  • Representative from UNWomen

Wednesday October 7th

12pm - 12:20, location: classroom M104

  • Representative from Siðmennt, the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association

Thursday October 8th

12pm - 12:20pm, location: classroom V102

  • A seminar on refugees.

RU's Equal Rights Society on Facebook