Encouraged students to seek solutions for waste recycling and energy production


Applied Engineering students at Reykjavík University had the Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, visit them during a lesson in the course Introduction to Applied Engineering on Thursday, December 8.

Karlmaður stendur við töflu og bendirGuðlaugur Þór presented the ministry's project called "The way to success in climate issues" and discussed Iceland's responsibility for reducing carbon dioxide emissions until 2030. He also reviewed the goal of carbon neutrality, which is scheduled to be achieved in 2040. The students welcomed the minister and were enthusiastic about his presentation. The minister encouraged the students to contribute to environmental issues and seek solutions for waste recycling and energy production.

Introduction to Applied Engineering is a practical three-week course, and students deal with a new project every year. This year the project was to design and build a new extension to the telephone exchange building at Brú in Hrútafjörður, but the extension is to house a power station and a greenhouse. The aim is to make the building sustainable in terms of energy consumption, but the project of the course is always connected to environmental and energy issues. The students presented the course's final project on the last day of the semester, December 9.

Jakkaklæddur maður stendur upp við töflu í skólastofu og heldur fyrirlestur fyrir framan fjóra karlmenn