Ambassador of the European Union to Iceland visits Reykjavík University


Tvær konur og karlmaður skoða þrívíddarprentaðan hlut sem önnur konan heldur á.

Ambassador of the European Union to Iceland, Lucie Samcová - Hall Allen, visited Reykjavík University last week. The President of RU, Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, invited the ambassador to come and discuss research and development and get to know the university and its activities.

"Researchers at RU have benefited from the European Union's grants, which are extremely important for research and innovation in Iceland. It was both useful and fun to have the ambassador visit and discuss the cooperation and opportunities in the field of research and education," said Ragnhildur.

Ambassador Lucie, accompanied by Odysseas Georgakakis Paulsson from the Political and Press Section of the EU Delegation, visited RU's Electrical Lab and Motion Sickness Lab and learned about the research there.

Þrjár konur og karlmaður ræða saman. Í forgrunni er grind.