Exchange programme application process - Outgoing students

Application periods:

  • For the fall semester and the full academic year, January 15th – February 25th

  • For spring semester – August 25th – September 25th


Step 1 – Choosing a host university

The preparation phase for going on an exchange programme is one of the most important parts of the process.

  1. Start with attending one of the International Office presentations that are held regularly.
  2. Book an appointment with the Exchange Coordinator

Choosing the right host university is important, and you need to consider what relevant studies each partner university offers, and whether it’s suitable for your study plan. It’s important to choose carefully, and it’s advisable to choose three universities, one first choice and two alternates.

  • Ensure there is a valid agreement between your department at RU and the relevant faculty at the partner university.

  • Make sure to look for courses that are offered for exchange students.


Step 2 – Applying for the exchange semester

Once you decide on the host university, you must submit an electronic application to RU through the Mobility Online application system. The International Office announces calls for applications when the application period starts and, following that, sends the application link.

After the application deadline has passed, your application will be sent to your department for approval. Within one week of the deadline, you will be notified about the decision, confirming if you have been accepted to go on an exchange semester.


Step 3 – The International Office nominates the host university

If your application was accepted by the RU department, you are asked to confirm your application. Then, the International Office nominates you to the relevant host university. After nomination, the host university sends out instructions on how to apply for exchange studies. When you have started the application process with the host university, it can be presumed that you will be accepted, providing that all requested documents are sent on time and that your grade for the English language test is sufficient, if requested.

Step 4 – Applying to the host university

All prospective exchange students must apply to the host university. Instructions on the application process will be sent to you directly from that university once you are nominated.

It’s extremely important to:

  • Send all the requested information and documents.
  • Read carefully through all instructions sent by the host institution, which contain important information about practical issues concerning exchange programs, course selection, housing, important dates, etc.

Step 5 - Learning Agreement

To ensure recognition of credits earned abroad, you must have an approved Learning Agreement before you start your mobility.

The agreement needs to be signed by you, your Department Coordinator at RU and a representative of the host university before the mobility takes place. The Learning Agreement is a Digital Learning Agreement (DLA) and is managed and signed through our administration system, Mobility online.

Courses at the host university must be selected in accordance with your current studies. Students generally take a mix of mandatory and elective courses. You must remember to check your credits well for the courses, that you meet any requirements, and that the courses are available for exchange students!

Language requirements

Non-native English speakers applying for mobility in the United States or Canada are required, in most cases, to take the TOEFL test to assess their English language skills.

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