Sector and cluster development

Clusters are based on the idea that the competitiveness of the cluster as a whole will increase by connecting individual stakeholders within it. Clusters are usually created on the basis of geographic proximity and/or around a common topic. Universities are very important players in clusters since education and research have a significant impact on all areas of industry.

Reykjavik University is an active participant in several clusters in Iceland and in cooperative initiatives intended to strenghten specific industries. These collaborations are valuable to both the industrial partners and the University as they support innovation and allow for better opportunities to meet common challenges.

Iceland Geothermal Cluster
RU is a founding member of Iceland Geothermal, a cluster that was established to promote Iceland's unique qualities as the land of geothermal energy and geothermal energy production. The 43 founding members reflect the wide spectrum of NGOs, companies and organisations in the industry. The cluster creates value and new opportunities through cooperation on export and services in the field of geothermal power generation.

Iceland Travel Industry Cluster
The cluster brings together companies and public bodies within the Icelandic travel industry as well as a number of businesses that support or cooperate with the tourism industry. One of the key objectives of the partnership is to increase competitiveness and value creation within Iceland‘s travel industry by building on the unique knowledge and experience of each of the partners. 

IGI - Icelandic Game Industry
The Icelandic Game Industry (IGI) was founded in 2009 as an interest group inside the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI). The role of IGI is to advocate for the interests and policy of the gaming industry in Iceland, to increase knowledge sharing between game developers, raise local awareness, create a venue for added industry support and a platform for a collective voice within government and industry programs.

CADIA (The Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents at RU) was a founding member of IGI and since 2010 RU and IGI have worked together in a formal collaboration on innovation in teaching and research in the area of game development.

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