The Research Center on HRM

Core research faculty members

  • Auður Arna Arnardóttir, Phd and assistant professor.
  • Katrín Ólafsdóttir, Phd and assistant professor at School of Business.
  • Ásta Bjarnadóttir, Phd and a former research faculty at the School of Business and now a lecturer at RU and a consultant at Capacent.

Research Assistants


  • Anna Klara Georgsdóttir Msc. 
  • Arabella Ýr Samúelsdóttir, MSc.
  • Helga Gunnólfsdóttir, MSc.
  • Hildur Baldvinsdóttir, MSc.
  • Laura Nesaule, MSc student at RU.


External collaborators:  Paul Kearns, lecturer at RU and consultant in the UK.

The research center on HRM was established in 2006 and one of it‘s main projects is its participation in The Cranet network (Cranfield Network on International Human Resource Management), including a large local survey every three years. Cranet is an international platform for comparative research in the field of human resource manage­ment. The objective is to gather hard evidence  about HRM policies and practices across countries and to track their development over time. The network offers academics, practitioners, local governments  and local and international institutions  expert and informed research as well as guidance on inter­nati­onal and comparative HRM practices (see

The International Cranet network

The Cranet platform is now an established research collabor­ation between 40 universities and business schools. Reykjavík University started partici­pation in the year 2002. The representa­tive universities carry out regular comparative studies of organiza­tional policies and practices in HRM across the world. The network is coordinated by the Cranfield School of Manage­ment. Arney Einarsdóttir is the Icelandic representative on behalf of the School of Business. The survey  is executed in Iceland on a three year cycle, the first one in 2003, second one in 2006, third one in 2009 and fourth one in 2012. Through this work and continuous feedback to participants, the Center has developed strong connections with approximately 150 HR managers working in Icelandic organizations and institutions and the cooperation has proved fruitful for both parties. The project has made Reykjavik University a place for HR professionals to turn to for continuing education, consulting and further research in HRM. Thus the project exemplifies a successful bridge between academia and business, with corresponding increases in opportunities for RU students to participate in HR research.

Various HR related research topics

While participating in the CRANET network is a large part of the Center‘s operation, the associated research faculty at Reykjavík University has conducted various other research studies in the area of human resource management. The three core faculty members are working on several other related or expanded collaborative research projects. These include studies on the impact of the economic collapse in Iceland in 2008, HR related downsizing methods, HR maturity stages, employee attitudes and behaviors, work and family life balance and gender issues.


The Center‘s dissemination of publications is both academic and practitioner oriented. The research has been disseminated through published reports, reviewed articles, presentations at academic conferences and via lectures for students, articles and presentations at more practitioner-oriented platforms (journals, newspapers, radio and television, conferences and seminars) as well as through direct written summaries and reports provided to HR professionals in private and public organizations in Iceland.

Various Publications


  • Olafsdottir, K. & Einarsdottir, A (2016). Men and women should work together – Not apart. 8th International Conference – An Enterprize Odyssey: Saving the Sinking Ship Through Human Capital. Zagreb, Croatia, June 8-11, 2016.
  • Einarsdottir, A., Olafsdottir, K., Bjarnadottir, A. (2015). HRM Status and development in Iceland: The CRANET research 2015 (report). Reykjavík: Reykjavík University.


  • Einarsdottir, A., Olafsdottir, K. & Lazarova, M. (2015). Three types of layoffs and their long term impact on employee perceptions, attitudes and behavior.  (AOM),  75th Annual meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 7-11, 2015.

  • Olafsdottir, K. & Einarsdottir, A. (2014). From recession to growth: Recovery in the labor market, EAEPE, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, 25th Annual Conference, Beyond (De)Industrialisation: The future of industries?, Paris, France, November 7, 2013.

  • Olafsdottir, K. and Einarsdottir, A. (2013). From recession to growth: Recovery in the labor market, a talk given at a brownbag lunch workshop, Aarhus University, March 15, 2013.

  • Olafsdottir, K and Einardottir, A. (2013) From recession to growth: Recovery in the labor market, International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (IWPLMS), 34th Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 12.-14. september 2013.

  • Arnardottir, A. A. (2013).  Work-family balance among Icelandic employees with young children. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. Reykjavik, August 2013.
  • Einarsdóttir, A. and Olafsdóttir, K., (2013). From Recession to Recovery - Implementation of Alternative Downsizing Methods in Public and Private Organizations. The Global Conference on International Human Resource Management at the Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania, USA on 9-10 May 2013. 
  • Arney Einarsdottir, Asta Bjarnadottir, Katrin Olafsdottir og Anna K. Georgsdottir (2012). Staða og þróun mannauðsstjórnunar á Íslandi: CRANET rannsóknin 2012 (Report in Icelandic). (HR status and development in Iceland) Reykjavík: Reykjavík University.
  • Morgunverðarfundur 18. október 2012: Úr kreppu í vöxt: Viðsnúningur á vinnumarkaði (e. From recession to growth: Recovery in the labor market). Frumniðurstöður rannsóknar á samdrætti og viðsnúningi kynntar á opnum fundi.
  • Einarsdottir, A. and Bjarnadottir, A, (2012). Converging attitudes and behaviors in the public and private sectors after a severe economic downturn. The 2012 European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), held in Rotterdam, 6-8 June.
  • Einarsdóttir, A., Ólafsdóttir, K.,  and Arnardóttir, A.A. (2011). Frá mjúkum yfir í harðar samdráttaraðgerðir: Sveigjanleiki fyrirtækja og stofnana í kjölfar hruns. (From soft to hard downsizing methods: Organizational flexibility following the crisis. Tímarit um stjórnmál og stjórnsýslu, 2, 327-346. (in Icelandic).
  • Einarsdóttir, A., Ólafsdóttir, K. and Arnardóttir, A.A. (2011). Downsizing methods in a recession: The public and private sector‘s flexibility.  The International Workshop Crises, Institutions and Labour Market Performance: Comparing Evidence and Policies, University of Perugia, Italy.

  • Einarsdottir, A.,  and Arnardottir, A.A.  (2011). Economic recession and organizati¬onal downsizing methods: The short term impact on employee attitude and job-related behavior of the Icelandic work force. Poster at The EAWOP conference Maastricht, Netherlands  May, 2011.
  • Einarsdottir, A., Olafsdottir, K. and Arnardottir, A. A. (2011). HR related downsizing methods in a recession: The public and private sectors flexibility.  EAISM,  symposia proceedings, Reykjavík, May 2011.
  • Katrín Ólafsdóttir. (2011). Íslenska lífeyriskerfið og íslenskur þjóðarbúskapur. Í Hrafn Bragason, Héðinn Eyjólfsson og Guðmundur Heiðar Frímannsson (ritstj.) Úttekt á fjárfestingarstefnu, ákvarðanatöku og lagalegu umhverfi lífeyrissjóðanna í aðdraganda bankahrunsins 2008. Reykjavík: Úttektarnefnd Landssamtaka Lífeyrissjóða.
  • Arney Einarsdóttir og Ásta Bjarnadóttir (2010). Tveir vinnumarkaðir og hrun: Áhrif á upplifun og hegðun starfsmanna. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál, 7 (1). 1-21. (Two labour markets and crisis: Impact on employee attitude and behavior. Journal of business and economics). 
  • Arney Einarsdóttir (2010). Mannaflatengdar samdráttaraðgerðir - sveigjanleiki fyrirtækja og stofnana í kreppu. Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XI, Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun. (Human resource related downsizing – flexibility in the labor market in a recession – Research in Social Sciences XI, Reykjavik.
  • Einarsdóttir, A. and Bjarnadóttir, B. (2010). Two labour markets and a crisis: The impact on employee attitudes and job-related behaviors. The Irish Academy of Management Conference in Cork Institute of Technology, Cork in September 2010.
  • Arnardottir, A.A. & Hafsteinsson, L. G. (2009). Work-family conflict and enrichment in Iceland. EAWOP conference, Santiago de Compostela Spain, May 13-16, 2009.
  • Katrín Ólafsdóttir. (2009). Gender effects of the economic crisis. Í Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (ritstj.), Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X, 343-352. Háskóli Íslands: Félagsvísindastofnun.
  • Arney Einarsdóttir, Ásta Bjarnadóttir og Finnur Oddsson (2009). Staða mannauðsstjórnunar á Íslandi: CRANET rannsóknin 2009 (skýrsla). Reykjavík: Háskólinn í Reykjavík.
  • Arnardottir, A.A. & Hafsteinsson, L. G. (2009). Work-family conflict and enrichment in Iceland. EAWOP conference, Santiago de Compostela Spain, May 13-16, 2009.
  • Katrín Ólafsdóttir. (2008). Er íslenskur vinnumarkaður sveigjanlegur? Háskólinn í Reykjavík: Viðskiptadeild.
  • Auður Arna Arnardóttir. (2008). Fæðingarorlof frá sjónarhóli feðra og mæðra. Í Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson (ritstj.), Rannsóknir í Félagsvísindum IX. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.
  • Arney Einarsdóttir og Sigríður Þrúður Stefánsdóttir. (2008). Lýðfræðilegir áhrifaþættir starfsánægju á Íslandi. Í Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (ritstj.), Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum IX. Viðskipta og hagfræðideild. (bls. 27-40). Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.
  • Hlín Kristbergsdóttir, Leifur Geir Hafsteinsson og Arney Einarsdóttir (2008). Samanburður á upplifun starfsmanna einkarekinna fyrirtækja og starfsmanna hins opinbera af vinnustað og starfi. Sálfræðiritið, 13, 126-145.
  • Auður Arna Arnardóttir, Leifur Geir Hafsteinsson og Sturla Jóhann Hreinsson. (2007). Auðgun og togstreita milli fjölskyldu og starfs: Tengsl við persónubundna og vinnutengda þætti. Í Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (ritstj.), Rannsóknir í Félagsvísindum VIII: Viðskipta og Hagfræðideild (bls. 51-66). Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.
  • Arney Einarsdóttir. (2007). Áhrifavaldar starfsánægju og hvatningar- íslensk stöðlun og prófun á Evrópsku starfsánægjuvísitölunni. Í Ingjaldur Hannibalsson (ritstj.), Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VIII. Viðskipta og hagfræðideild. (bls. 39-50). Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.
  • Finnur Oddsson, Ásta Bjarnadóttir og Arney Einarsdóttir (2006). Rannsókn: Mannauðsstjórnun á Íslandi 2006 (skýrsla). Reykjavík: Háskólinn í Reykjavík.

  • Ásta Bjarnadóttir, Finnur Oddsson, Inga Jóna Jónsdóttir og Tómas Bjarnason (2004). Könnun Cranet samstarfsins á mannauðsstjórnun í íslenskum fyrirtækjum og stofnunum 2003 (skýrsla). Reykjavík: IMG Gallup og Háskólinn í Reykjavík.

  • Samantektir til þátttökufyrirtækja árið 2006 (190 svarendur) og 2009 (138 svarendur). Í samantektum eru meginniðurstöður CRANET könnunarinnar birtar og einnig gefnar upplýsingar um styrkleika og veikleika viðkomandi fyrirtækis eða stofnunar, og heildarstöðu þeirra á þroskastigum mannauðsstjórnunar.
  • Kynningarfundir fyrir starfsmannastjóra og æðstu stjórnendur þátttökufyrirtækjanna (vor 2004, haust 2006, haust 2009) og kynningarfundur á vegum Stjórnvísi (haust 2006).
  • Samantekt til þátttökufyrirtækja 2008 (59 fyrirtæki). Í þessari samantekt voru niðurstöður um mat starfsfólks á 10 þáttum er varða upplifun starfsmanns á vinnustað og starfi í viðkomandi fyrirtæki.
  • Þjónusturannsókn fyrir Actavis: Þroskastig mannauðsstjórnunar í öllum einingum Actavis.
    Verkefnið var framkvæmt árið 2007 og Að verkefninu unnu ÁB, FO og AE.
  • Tíu pistlar birtir í viðskiptablaði Morgunblaðins 2006-2007.
    Greinarhöfundar: Arney Einarsdóttir, Ásta Bjarnadóttir og Finnur Oddsson.
  • Fimm kynningar á ráðstefnuröð forstöðumanna ríkisstofnana haustið 2006.
    Arney Einarsdóttir, Ásta Bjarnadóttir og Finnur Oddsson.
  • Reynsla af fæðingarorlofi og samspili vinnu og einkalífs frá sjónarhóli feðra og maka þeirra.
    Fékk styrk frá jafnréttissjóði forsætisráðuneytisins. Að verkefninu unnu AAA, LGH og Sturla J. Hreinsson.
  • Gunnhildur Arnardóttir og Trausti Harðarson (2005). Hversu þroskuð er starfsmannastjórnun á Íslandi?
    Óútgefið lokaverkefni við Háskólann í Reykjavík.

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