Publication in peer-reviewed outlets 2005-2016
Academic employee | Year | Research output in peer-reviewed outlets A: Articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals; B: Articles, posters and abstracts in peer-reviewed conferences/ symposia/ proceedings; C1: Peer-reviewed books; C2: Peer-reviewed book chapters; D: Other peer-reviewed publications | ISI article | RU affiliated | Type of outlets |
Bjarni M. Magnússon | 2016 | Bjarni Már Magnússon. Grey Areas in the Bay of Bengal. Accepted for Publication in the Indian Journal of International Law. Already published online | X | A | |
Bjarni M. Magnússon |
2016 |
Sigurjón Njarðarson & Bjarni Már Magnússon. Meintur fyrirvari Íslands við 5. gr. Norður-Atlantshafssamningsins [Iceland‘s Alleged Reservation to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty] (2016) 12(1) Tímarit um stjórnmál og stjórnsýslu 67-80 (The journal is the highest ranked humanities/social sciences journal in Iceland). | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2016 | ”Proof of foreign law before Icelandic courts; a change of course?” Journal of Private International Law, August 2016 [ see; doi/full/10.1080/17441048.2016.1205863 ] | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2016 | ”Sönnun erlendra reglna”. [ Application and proof of foreign law] Tímarit lögfræðinga 1.tbl. 2016 (The Icelandic Law Journal 1. ed. 2016] | X | A | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2016 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Ábyrgð á tjóni af völdum mengunar frá skipum, [The Liability for damage caused by pollution from ships], appeared in vol. 12.1. of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2016, p. 88-142. | X | A | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2016 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Björgunarreglur siglingalaga, [The rules on salvage in the Icelandic Maritime Act], appeared in vol. 68.3 in Úlfljótur tímarit laganema, p. 651-712. | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2016 | Margrét Einarsdóttir. Upptaka afleiddrar löggjafar í EES-samninginn – Hvað er unnt að gera betur? [The Incorporation of EU secondary law into the EEA Agreement – what improvements can be made?] Tímarit lögfræðinga, 1/2016 (p. 3-54). | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2016 | Margrét Einarsdóttir. Upptaka afleiddrar löggjafar í EES-samninginn og innleiðing í íslenskan rétt. [The Incorporation of EU secondary law into the EEA Agreement and the Implementation into Icelandic national law.] Tímarit lögfræðinga, 4/2015 (p. 545-587). | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2016 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, “Une théorie du picorage constitutionnel - leçons du projet constitutionnel islandais de 2011”. Revue Internationale du Droit Comparé. (RIDC) 2016 -2, pp. 495-514. | X | A | |
Arnar Jónsson | 2016 | Law, Morality and the Way forward LRPP 2016 Conference Proceedings Print ISSN: 2251-3809, E Periodical ISSN: 2251-3817. Indexed by Ulrichsweb, EBSCO, CrossRef and submitted to Scopus, ScienceDirect and Cabell's Directories amongst other. Also to be published in GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences (JLSS). | X | B | |
Sigurður T. Magnússon | 2016 | Consequences of the prosecution of Icelandic bankers following the bank collapse in 2008 at the Congress: Crisis, Economy and Punishment: The Influence of the Great Recession of Crime and Penalty held in the University Da Coruña, Galicia, Spain for 15 to 16. September 2016. | X | B | |
Arnar Jónsson | 2016 | Arnar Þór Jónsson, ed., Lög og samfélag (Law and Community), (Published by Reykjavik University and University of Iceland Press 2016) | X | C1 | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2016 | I am still working on a book on Icelandic Maritime Law. The book has been peer reviewed and is scheduled for publication in November/December 2016. In addition to me Professor emeritus Hans Jacob Bull,, and Professor emeritus Thor Falkanger,, at The University of Oslo Norway, will be authors of the book. Contents of the book: |
X | C1 | |
Arnar Jónsson | 2016 | „Og sjá, þú fellur fyrir draumi þínum“: Þankabrot um „réttarheimildir“ og „réttar heimildir”. [And behold, your dream becomes your downfall”: Thoughts on “the sources of law” and “the correct sources of law”.] Lög og samfélag (Law and Community) (University of Iceland Press, 2016), 187-226. | X | C2 | |
Bjarni M. Magnússon | 2016 | Iceland-Denmark (Greenland) in Coalter Lathrop (ed.) International Maritime Boundaries vol. VII (Martinus Nijhoff 2016) 5259-5273. The International Maritime Boundary Series of the American Society of International Law is the leading research project concerning maritime boundaries. | X | C2 | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2016 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Islandsk kompensasjonsrett ved arbeidsulykker , [Icelandic law on the Right to Compensation in Case of Work Injury], appeared in Bertil Bengtsson 90 år, [Liber Amicorum for Bertil Bengtsson] Jure Förlag AB, Stockholm 2016 | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2016 | Gunnar Thor Petursson, X. Groussot, J. Hettner. General Principles and the Many Faces of Coherence: Between Law and Ideology in the European Union. Peer-reviewed and accepted. Forthcoming 2016 in Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative (Hart Publishing). Published on SSRN as a Lund University Legal Research paper Series (01/2016) | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2016 | Gunnar Thor Petursson. Primacy in EEA law - Any news on Protocol 35? (‘Forgangur EES reglna - Hvað er að frétta af bókun 35?). Accepted and peer-reviewed. Forthcoming December 2016, in Afmælisrit Davíðs Þórs Björgvinssonar (Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag). | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2016 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir & Margrét Einarsdóttir: ”Iceland and the EEA” EEA-Agreement – A commentary [Fredriksen, Arnesen, Graver et al. Eds]. In print. Nomos 2017. | X | C2 | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2016 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir & Margrét Einarsdóttir: ”Iceland and the EEA” EEA-Agreement – A commentary [Fredriksen, Arnesen, Graver et al. Eds]. In print. Nomos 2017. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2016 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, “Var horft til Noregs? Áhrif norskrar stjórnskipunar á sjálfstæðisbaráttuna og stjórnarskrá Konungsríkisins Íslands.” [Did They Look to Norway? The Influence of Norwegian Constitutionalism on the Struggle for Independence and the Constitution of the Monarchy from 1920) Afmælisrit Davíðs Þórs Björgvinssonar [Liber Amicorum Davíð THór Björgvinsson ] in print, will be published in Fall 2016. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2016 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: ”Hugsana- samvisku- og trúfrelsi” [Freedom of Religion and Conscience] in Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu – Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt [The European Convention on Human Rights – Principles, Practice and its Influence in Icelandic Law], Mannréttindastofnun Háskóla Íslands – Lagadeild Háskólans í Reykjavík in print 2017, pp. 320-336. [This is a completely rethought and rewritten discussion in a new edition of the only book in Icelandic on the ECHR, which was first published in 2005] | X | C2 | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2015 | Yfirvald eða sammæli? Lögin sem afsprengi tveggja aflvaka. Tímarit Lögréttu, 2. tbl. 2014, 10. árg. Command or Covenant? The law viewed from two different perspectives. Tímarit Lögréttu – Law Journal (2014) Published January 2015 | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2015 | Gagnrýnin hugsun á vettvangi laga. Lögfræðingur 2015. Critical Legal Thinking. Lögfræðingur - Law Review 2015 | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2015 | Lög sem einingarband samfélagsins: Íhuganir um samhengi laga og samfélags. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, 1. tbl. 2015, 11. árg. The Law as the Bond of Society: Thoughts on the Correlation between the Law and Society. The Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration (IRPA) | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2015 | Law and Morality: Thoughts on the role of morality and virtues in the era of ever-increasing regulation. Conference Book: 25th IPRA General Conference on “Uniting for Peace: Building Sustainable Peace Through Universal Values” Istanbul/Turkey, August 10-15 2014. | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2015 | Í leit að grunntóni laga. Grein í Árbók Háskólans á Akureyri, sem tileinkuð er Mikael Karlssyni prófessor (útg. áætluð í desember 2015). In Search of a Fundamental Frequency in Law. Article contributed to a journal dedicated to Professor emeritus Sigurður Líndal, due to be published in December 2015. | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2015 | Kyrrsetning og skilyrði hennar. [Attachment (freezing orders).] Tímarit lögfræðinga 1. tbl 2015 [Lawyers´ law journal. 1.ed. 2015.] | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2015 | Útilokun erlendra reglna frá íslenskum rétti [Exclusion of foreign law in Iceland.] Tímarit lögréttu 1. tbl. 2015 [Lögrétta law journal 1.ed 2015] | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2015 | Varnarþing í málum um vátryggingar í alþjóðlegum einkamálarétti [Jurisdiction in insuarance matters in Private International law.] Úlfljótur 1. tbl. 2015 [Úlfljótur law journal 1.ed. 2015 ] | X | A | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2015 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Er breytinga þörf á íslensku siglingalögunum?, [Is it necessary to amend the Icelandic Maritime Act? ] The article has been accepted for publication in Tímarit lögréttu and is scheduled for publication in September/October 2015. | X | A | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2015 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson and Einar Baldvin Axelsson, Ábyrgð farmflytjanda á einingaflutningum til og frá Íslandi , [The liability of the carrier for damage, loss and delay in the line trade to and from Iceland], Guðmundur Sigurðsson is the first author and Supreme Court Attorney Einar Baldvin Axelsson is second author. The article has been accepted for publication with minor changes in Tímarit lögfræðinga. The final version of the article will be sent to the editor in the first week of October. The article is scheduled for publication in December 2015. | X | A | |
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon | 2015 | Sigurður Tómas Magnússon. Litis consortium – When are parties required to litigate together. Tímarit lögfræðinga ( Des. 2015) | X | A | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2015 | China as the Guardian of the International Seabed Area in the Central Arctic Ocean in Julia Jabour, Timo Koivurova & Gudmundur Alfredsson (eds.) 7 The Yearbook of Polar Law (Brill/Martinus Nijhoff, 2016) (16 pp. A4 ). | X | C2 | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2015 | Bridges and Developers ‒Monistic Tendencies in the Icelandic Maritime Zones Act (2015) 60 Scandinavian Studies in Law 426-441. | X | C2 | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2015 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. ‘Iceland-Denmark (Greenland)' in Coalter Lathrop (ed.) International Maritime Boundaries vol. VII (Martinus Nijhoff 201X). Accepted (15 pp). Online version already published in a database hosted by Martinus Nijhoff ( The International Maritime Boundary Series of the American Society of International Law is the leading research project concerning maritime boundaries. | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2015 | Xavier Groussot, Nina-Louisa Arold Lorenz and Gunnar Thor Petursson. The Paradox of Human Rights Protection Europe: Two Courts, One Goal? In the anthology: “Shifting Centres of Gravity in Human Rights Protection. - Rethinking Relations between the ECHR, EU and National Legal Orders” O.M. Arnardóttir and A. Buyse (eds), Routledge 2016 (the book is in print, to be officially launched in January 2016). | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2015 | Gunnar Thor Petursson and Xavier Groussot. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Five Years on – The Emergence of a New Constitutional Framework. In the anthology: “The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a binding instrument – Five years old and growing” Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz and Stephen Weatherill (eds.), Hart Publishing – official publication date 19 November 2015. | X | C2 | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2014 | Menntun lögfræðinga. Grein í Heiðursriti Sigurðar Líndal, útg. 2014. [On Legal Education. Article contributed to a book dedicated to Professor emeritus Sigurður Líndal, published September / October 2014]. | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2014 | Dul og rangvirðing? Hugleiðing um heilindi í lögmennsku. Verður birt í næsta tölublaði Úlfljóts (Birt í apríl 2014). [Self delusion and the legal profession. Article to be published in the next issue of Úlfljótur, legal journal (Published April 2014)] | X | A | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2014 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. Nokkrir farvegir fyrir hafréttardeilur Íslands við erlend ríki og alþjóðastofnanir [A few Pathways for Iceland's Law of the Sea Disputes with Foreign States and International Organisations] (2014) 10 Lögrétta 9-20. | X | A | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2014 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. The Rejection of a Theoretical Beauty ‒The Foot of the Slope in Maritime Boundary Delimitations Beyond 200 Nautical Miles‒ (2014) 45 Ocean Development and International Law 41-52. | X | X | A |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2014 | 22014 Litis pendens í alþjóðlegum einkamálarétti [Litis pendens in Private International Law] Tímarit Lögfræðinga. Accepted, will be published in October 2014 | X | A | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2014 | Gunnar Thor Petursson, Xavier Groussot and Justin Pierce. Weak Right, Strong Court - The Freedom to Conduct Business and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Published on in Lund University Legal Research Paper Series (01/2014). This is a draft Chapter for Sionaidh Douglas-Scott and Nicholas Hatzis (eds), Research Handbook on EU Human Rights Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming), which is awaiting publication. | X | A | |
Kristín Haraldsdóttir | 2014 | Kristín Haraldsdóttir. Málsóknarréttur einstaklinga og lögpersóna fyrir EFTA-dómstólnum. (Standing of individuals and legal persons before the EFTA-Court) Submitted to Lögrétta Journal September 2013. Published in Lögrétta Journal, (2014) 1, 51-73. | X | A | |
Kristín Haraldsdóttir | 2014 | Kristín Haraldsdóttir. ‘The limits of EU competences to Regulate Conditions for Exploitation of Energy Resources: Analysis of Article 194(2) TFEU'01Submitted to European Energy and Environmental Law Review, 2014. | X | A | |
Kristín Haraldsdóttir | 2014 | Kristín Haraldsdóttir. Leyfi til framleiðslu raforku – kröfur raforkutilskipunarinnar um jafnræði og gagnsæi (Authorisations for new electricity generation capacity in light of the principles of non-discrimination and transparency in the Directive on the Internal Electricity Market) Submitted to Stjórnmál og Stjórnsýsla before 15 October 2014, for publication in December 2014. | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2014 | Margrét Einarsdóttir. Forgangsáhrif EES-réttar í íslenskum rétti. [Supremacy of EEA-law in Icelandic legal system]. Tímarit Lögréttu, 1/2014 (p. 75-86). | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2014 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Samspil laga og fjárlaga. Tímarit lögfræðinga. Expected publication date, end of November 2014. | X | A | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2014 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir & Snædís Ósk Sigurjónsdóttir: Influence of expert testimony on compensation amounts to victims of sexual abuse in childhood. (Áhrif sérfræðigagna á fjárhæð miskabóta til þolenda kynferðisbrota í æsku.) Tímarit Lögréttu, 1/2014. pp 89-101. | X | A | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2014 | The Role of the International Court of Justice in Enforcement of the Obligation of States to Investigate and Prosecute Serious Crimes at the National Level, Israel Law Review (Cambridge University Press) / Volume 47 / Issue 02 / July 2014, pp 285-302 | X | A | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2014 | Iceland and Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice: Freezing of Assets Abroad, Logretta (Journal at Reykjavik University) | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2014 | Law, Morality and the Way Forward. Paper submitted, accepted and in press for the International Peace Research Association – IPRA - 2014 Conference Book. | X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2014 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: “Folkets rolle i forfatningsændringer” [The People's Role in Constitutional Amendments] Nordisk Juristmøte, Oslo 20-22.8.2014. Forthcoming in the Proceedings of Nordisk Juristmøte [Forhandlingerne ved det Nordiske Juristmøte]. | X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2014 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: “Lessons Concerning Constitutional Borrowing from the Icelandic Draft Constitution 2011.” The IXth World Congress of Constitutional Law: "Constitutional Challenges: Global and Local" Oslo 16 - 20 June 2014. | X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2014 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir : « La participation de la société civile à l'élaboration et à la rédaction des décisions: alibi démocratique ou innovation procédurale en devenir ? L'exemple du projet de nouvelle constitution islandaise. » Forthcoming. Presse Universitaire de Limoges, 2014 Proceedings from EUROPA 2013 "The transparency of public decision-making in Europe: the citizen an actor or restore confidence ? " organized by the EUROPA association and the University of Limoges. Nov. 22, 2013. See | X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2014 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir. Þróun stjórnarskrárinnar: Stjórnarskrárbreytingar, venjuréttur og framkvæmd frá 1874 [The Development of the Constitution: Constitutional Amendments, Customs and Practice from 1874]. Afmælisrit Páls Sigurðssonar prófessors [Liber amicorum Páll Sigurðsson], Codex . 2014. pp. 479-497 (This is a translated, updated and revised version of no 8, below.) | X | C2 | |
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon | 2014 | Sigurður Tómas Magnússon and Katrín Oddsdóttir. Between America and Europe - how the geographical situation affects the legal culture. Forthcoming in The Future of Civil Litigation – Access to courts and court-annexed mediation tin the Nordic Countries. Springer 2014, pp 53-73. | X | C2 | |
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon | 2014 | Sigurður Tómas Magnússon. Is there a snake in an Icelandic paradise? The abuse of the “Ideal” system. Consequences of the Icelandic Economic Collapse in the fall of 2008 og Access to Courts. Forthcoming in The Future of Civil Litigation – Access to courts and court-annexed mediation tin the Nordic Countries. Springer 2014, pp 307-324. | X | C2 | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2014 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir: Sexual crimes against children. Legislative amendments and practice since the entering into force of Act no. 61/2007. (Alvarleg kynferðisbrot gegn börnum. Breytingar á löggjöf og réttarframkvæmd eftir gildistöku laga nr. 61/2007). Afmælisrit. Páll Sigurðsson sjötugur 16. ágúst 2014. Bókaútgáfan Codex. Reykjavík 2014. Pp 514-538. (A book in honour of law professor dr. Páll Sigurdsson on his 70th birthday Aug 16 2014) | X | C2 | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2014 | “The Financing of International Adjudication”, in Manual on International Adjudication (ed. Cesare Romano, Yuval Shany and Karen Alter), Oxford University Press 2014. | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2014 | Gunnar Thor Petursson. The Proportionality Principle as a Tool for Disintegration in EU Law – of Balancing and Coherence in the Light of the Fundamental Freedoms. Faculty of Law, University of Lund, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7473-925-1 (Dr. Juris Thesis). | X | D | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2014 | Lög og siðferði - Hugleiðing um hlutverk siðferðis og dyggða á tímum sívaxandi regluvæðingar, útg. í maí 2014. [Law and Morality: Thought on morality and virtue in the era of continually expanding regulatory systems. Published May 2014]. | X | A | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2013 | Dul og rangvirðing? Hugleiðing um heilindi í lögmennsku. [Self delusion and the legal profession. Úlfljótur, legal journal | X | A | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2013 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. Is there a temporal relationship between the delineation and delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles? (2013) 28 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 465-83. | X | A | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2013 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. Outer Continental Shelf Boundary Agreements (2013) 62 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 345-72. | X | X | A |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2013 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. The Rejection of a Theoretical Beauty ‒The Foot of the Slope in Maritime Boundary Delimitations Beyond 200 Nautical Miles‒ (2013) 44 Ocean Development and International Law | X | X | A |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2013 | Ekki má dæma ákærða fyrir aðra hegðun en þá sem í ákæru greinir [Defendant cannot be convicted for other conduct than the one described by the prosecution in the indictment] Úlfljótur 1. tbl. 2013 | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2013 | Tjón vegna missis hagnaðar við verkframkvæmdir [Legal issues on loss of profit for contractors in public procurement] Lögrétta 2013 | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2013 | Margrét Einarsdóttir and Lena Mjöll Markusdóttir. Reglur Evrópuréttar um heilbrigðisþjónustu yfir landamæri. [EU law on cross-border healthcare]. Tímarit Lögréttu, 1/2013 (p. 49-69). | X | A | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2013 | Good Administration as a Fundamental Right. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, veftímarit - Politics and administration, internet journal. Vol 9:1 2013 | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2013 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Stjórnskipunin og meðferð á fé lífeyrissjóða [The Constitution and the Use of Pension Funds]. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla – Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, Vol. 9:1 2013. | X | A | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2013 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir: Influence of expert testimony on compensation amounts to victims of sexual abuse in childhood. (Áhrif sérfræðigagna á fjárhæð miskabóta til þolenda kynferðisbrota í æsku.) Lögrétta | X | A | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2013 | Xavier Groussot, Laurent Pech and Gunnar Thor Petursson: The reach of Fundamental Rights of Member State action after Lisbonchapter in the book: “The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU After Lisbon”, Sybe de Vries, Ulf Bernitz and Stephen Weatherill (eds.), Hart Publishing, 2013. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2013 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir. Hvordan skabes en (islandsk) grundlov? Grundlovsændringer, sædvaneret og praksis 1874-2011. [How is a (Icelandic) Constitution made? Constitutional Amendments, Customs and Practice 1874-2011]. In Grunnlova mellom tolking og endring [The Constitution between Interpretation and Change]. In print. Pax Forlag. Oslo 2013. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2013 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir. Nødret i Island og betydningen af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions artikel 15. [Emergency Law in Iceland and the Importance of art. 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights]. In Unntakstilstand og forfatning [State of Emergency and the Constitution]. Pax Forlag. Oslo 2013. | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2013 | Gunnar Thor Petursson, Þorbjörn Björnsson: ‘Naturalisation Procedures for Immigrants – Iceland', report published on the EUDO Citizenship Observatory homepage (, mars 2013. | X | D | |
Arnar Þór Jónsson | 2012 | Vantraust á dómstólum. Grein í lokayfirlestri. Verður birt í tímariti Lögréttu. [Distrust in the Icelandic Court System. Article to be published in Lögrétta, the legal journal of RU] | X | A | |
Bjarni Már Magnússon | 2012 | Bjarni Mar Magnusson. Judgement in the Dispute concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal (14 March 2012) (2012) 27 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 622-33. | X | A | |
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2012 | Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson. Hugakið innstæða í íslenskum rétti. [The term Deposit in Icelandic Law]. Úlfljótur 1. tbl. 2012 | A | ||
Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson | 2012 | Eiríkur Elís Þorláksson. Meginreglur um lagaval innan samninga og undantekningar frá þeim. [Main principles and exceptions in choice of law rules] 1. hefti 2012 | A | ||
Kristín Haraldsdóttir | 2012 | Kristín Haraldsdóttir: Endurskoðun laga um stjórn fiskveiða og jafnræðisregla stjórnarskrárinnar – vandratað er meðalhófið! (Review of the Fisheries Management Act: the Constitutional Principle of Non-Discrimination and the application of the principle of proportionality) Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál. (Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics) Submitted 2012. | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2012 | Margrét Einarsdóttir. Ráðgefandi álit EFTA-dómstólsins – raunveruleg áhrif í íslenskum rétti. [Advisory Opinions of the EFTA-court – real effects in the Icelandic legal system]. Tímarit lögfræðinga, 2/2012 (p. 133-153). | X | A | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2012 | Sybe de Vries, Xavier Groussot, Gunnar Thor Petursson: Balancing Fundamental Rights with teh EU Treaty Freedoms: The European Court of Justice as ´tightrope´ walker. Eleven International Publishing. 2012. | X | C1 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2012 | The European Convention on Human Rights and Trade Union Rights. The Rights of Workers in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights – Conference Proceedings. University of Ferrara, Italy. | C2 | ||
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2012 | The Right of Reply. Liber Amicorum for Sir Nicolas Brazta the President of the European Court of Human Rights. | C2 | ||
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2012 | Xavier Groussot, and Gunnar Thor Petursson: The Scope of Application of Fundamental Rights on Member States' Action: In Search of Certainty in EU Adjudication, in European Legal Method, in multilevel EU legal order. U. Neergaard and R. Nielsen (ed.) DJØF Forlang, 2012. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2011 | Alþjóðaskuldbindingar um vernd barna gegn kynferðisofbeldi (Protection of Children against sexual violence. International obligations.). Hinn launhelgi Glæpur. Kynferðisbrot gegn börnum (Sexual Violence against Children). Ed. Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir. University of Iceland Publishing House (Háskólaútgáfan) in 2011, 30 p. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2011 | Presumption of Convention Compliance. Making peoples Heard. People a Voice. Essays on Human Rights in Honour of Gudmundur Alfredsson. Ed. Asbjørn Eide, Jakob Th. Möller and Ineta Ziemele. Martinus Nijhoff publishers 2011, p 293 – 304. | X | C2 | |
Kristín Haraldsdóttir | 2011 | Kristín Haraldsdóttir: Property rights in water and social conflict – an example from Iceland, International Journal of Rural Law and Policy, 1/2011 | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2011 | Margrét Einarsdóttir. Bótaábyrgð vegna brota á EES-rétti sem rekja má til æðstu dómstóla. [State liability for breaches of EEA-Law committed by courts adjudicating at last instance]. Tímarit lögfræðinga, 1/2011 (p. 5-34). | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2011 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, ‘The Protection against Disability Discrimination in Iceland', Nordic Network on Disability Research 11th Research Conference, Reykjavík Iceland 27-28 May 2011. (Abstract: /nndr2011/abstracts.html) |
X | B | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2011 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, ‘The Right to Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities – Innovations in the CRPD', in Asbjørn Eide, Jakob Th. Möller and Ineta Ziemele (eds.), Making Peoples Heard: Essays on Human Rights in Honour of Guðmundur Alfreðsson (Martinus Nijhoff 2011), pp. 197-227. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Staters beføjelser til indgreb under finanskriser: Statsstøtte eller nødret [States' Possibilities to Step in During Financial Crises: State Aid or State of Emergency]. Introductory remarks to the discussion at 39. nordiske Juristmøde. Stockholm 2011. See /congrex_njm_data/documents/ 10%20 %20Statens%20rättsliga% 20reaktioner%20i% 20en%20ekonomisk%20 kris%20red3.pdf |
X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Constitutions and Government Responses to Financial Crises. Paper given at the conference „The Debt Crisis in the Eurozone“ Reykjavik University, October 7-8 2011. | X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Þingræði á Íslandi – samtíð og saga [Parliamentarism –Its History and Current State] Forlagið. 2011 (Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Helgi Skúli Kjartansson og Þorsteinn Magnússon, editors.) (ca. 500 pp.) | X | C1 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Þingræðisreglan og staða hennar í stjórnskipuninni [The Legal norm of Parliamentarism and its Status in the Constitutional Order] in Þingræði á Íslandi – samtíð og saga [Parliamentarism –Its History and Current State] (Helgadóttir, Kjartansson &Magnússon, eds.) Forlagið. 2011. pp. 159-190. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Framkvæmd þingræðisreglunnar [The Practice of Parliamentarism] in Þingræði á Íslandi – samtíð og saga [Parliamentarism –Its History and Current State] (Helgadóttir, Kjartansson & Magnússon, eds.)Forlagið. 2011. pp. 191-228. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Staters beføjelser til indgreb under finanskriser: Statsstøtte eller nødret [States' Possibilities to Step in During Financial Crises: State Aid or State of Emergency]. Forhandlingerne ved det 39. nordiske Juristmøde, 2011. This article was printed beforehand and formed the basis for the discussion on the topic at the Nordisk Juristmøde. | X | C2 | |
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon | 2011 | Sigurður Tómas Magnússon. Re-examination of rulings in the second instance. Lectures at the 39th meeting of Nordic Lawyers in Stockholm 18-19 august 2011. Volume I. Stockholm 2011. | X | C2 | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2011 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir: Refsiákvæði um kynferðisbrot gegn börnum (Penal legislation on Child sexual abuse). Hinn launhelgi glæpur. Kynferðisbrot gegn börnum. Háskólaútgáfan 2011. Pp. 57-108. | X | C1 | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2011 | "Financing International Organizations", in Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations (eds. Jan Klabbers and Asa Wallendahl, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011). | X | C2 | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2011 | “Compliance with the Views of the UN Human Rights Committee and the Judgements of the European Court of Human Rights in Iceland”, Guðrún Gauksdóttir and Thordis Ingadottir, in Making Peoples Heard, Essays on Human Rights in Honour of Gudmundur Alfredsson (eds. Asbjörn Eide, Jakob Th. Möller & Ineta Ziemele: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011). | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2011 | Xavier Groussot, Laurent Pech and Gunnar Thor Petursson. The Scope of Application of Fundamental Rights on Member States' Action: In Search of Certainty in EU Adjudication. Published on SSRN.COM 1/10 2011 id=1936473&download=yes , submitted for review to be published in the series of Eric Stein Working papers (peer reviewed). |
X | A | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2011 | Procedure and assessment of Cumulative Environmental Effects- Together with Kristín Haraldsdóttir (RU School of law) and Ásdís Hlökk Theodorsdóttir (RU- School of Science and Engineering.) Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, veftímarit - Politics and administration, internet journal. Submitted (No 2 2011) | X | A | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2011 | Eru ákvarðanir einkarekinna háskóla um réttindi og skyldur nemenda stjórnsýsla eða ákvarðanir á grundvelli einkaréttar? [Private universities- are their decisions on the rights and duties of their students subject to administrative rules or private law?] Lögrétta Law Review, Reykjavík University. (in printing) | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2011 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, ‘Cultural Accommodation in Health Services and European Human Rights', in Mette Hartlev and Elisabeth Rynning (eds.), Nordic Health Law in a European Context: Welfare States' Perspectives on Patients' Rights and Biomedicine (Liber and Martinus Nijhoff, forthcoming 2011) | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2011 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, Non-problematic Judicial Review – A Case Study, Int J Constitutional Law (2011) 9 (2): 532-547. doi: 10.1093/icon/mor055 | X | X | A |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2010 | Presumption of Convention Compliance. Giving People a Voice. Essays in Honour of Gudmundur Alfredsson. Ed. Asbjørn Eide, Jakob Th. Möller and Ineta Ziemele. To be published in 2010 by BRILL/MNP Publishing House, Leiden, The Netherlands. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2010 | Alþjóðaskuldbindingar um vernd barna gegn kynferðisofbeldi (Protection of Children against sexual violence. International obligations.). To be published in Kynferðisofbeldi gegn börnum (Sexual Vilence against Children). Ed. Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir. To be published by University of Iceland Publishing House (Háskólaútgáfan) in 2010. | X | C2 | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2010 | „Bylting á Bessastöðum. Embætti forseta Íslands í valdatíð Ólafs Ragnars Grímssonar“. Skírnir 184 (spring 2010), pp. 61-99. | X | A | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2010 | Gudni Th. Jóhannesson and Gunnar Thór Pétursson. EUDO Citizenship Observatory – Country Report: Iceland. Robert Schuman Centre for Advance Studies 2010. 24 pp. | X | C2 | |
Gunnar Þór Pétursson | 2010 | Gudni Th. Jóhannesson and Gunnar Thór Pétursson. EUDO Citizenship Observatory – Country Report: Iceland. Robert Schuman Centre for Advance Studies 2010. | X | C2 | |
Kristín Haraldsdóttir | 2010 | “Introduction to the Legal Environment in Iceland for Utilisation of Geothermal” in Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law Vol 28 No 1, February 2010, pp. 1-49. | X | A | |
Margrét Einarsdóttir | 2010 | Supremacy of implemented EEA-rules (it is in print), Tímarit Lögréttu 2010. | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2010 | Elisabeth Rynning, Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, Mette Hartlev, Henriette Sinding-Aasen and Sirpa Soini: ‘Recent Developments in Nordic Health Law' (2010) 17 European Journal of Health Law, pp. 1-16. | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2010 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘The Right to Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities – Innovations in the CRPD', in Asbjørn Eide, Jakob Th. Möller and Ineta Ziemele (eds.): Giving Peoples a Voice Essays in honor of Guðmundur Alfreðsson, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, accepted, fortcoming 2010. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2010 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Pólitísk ábyrgð ráðherra : samspil þingræðisreglu og þingeftirlits [The Political Accountability of Cabinet Ministers: The Interplay of Parliamentarism and Parliamentary Control] Tímarit lögfræðinga. 2009;59 (3): s. 263-280 (published in Jan. 2010, hence filed in 2010) | X | A | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2010 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir: Refsiákvæði um kynferðisbrot gegn börnum. (Penal legislation on Child sexual abuse). Háskólaútgáfan. (55 pages). | X | C1 | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2010 | Compliance with the Views of the UN Human Rights Committee and the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Iceland, in Asbjørn Eide et al. (eds), Giving Peoples a Voice, Essays in Honour of Gudmundur Alfredsson. Co-authored with Gudrun Gauksdottir, Brill (forthcoming). | X | C2 | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2009 | Take-over, part two. Tímarit lögréttu (to be published, approximately 60 pages). | X | A | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2009 | Take-over, part one (Yfirtaka - Fyrri hluti). Tímarit lögrétt 2009, 2 ed., 105-149 | X | A | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2009 | What is market manipulation? Timarit lögfræðinga, 1 ed. 2009, page 5-50. | X | A | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2009 | Securities Regulation. To be published in October 2009 (approx. 800 pages). The book is a comprehensive analysis of Icelandic securities regulation. Partly peer-reviewed. | X | C1 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2009 | Beiting Hæstaréttar á lögunum um mannréttindasáttmála Evrópu. (Application of the ECHR in Icelandic domestic law). Tímarit lögfræðinga (1) 2004, p. 345-371. Also published in: Lögberg – Rit Lagastofnunar Háskóla Íslands. Háskólaútgáfan. Reykjavík 2003. | X | A | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2009 | The protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. The Un Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. European and Scandinavian Perspective. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Leiden 2009, bls. 141-161. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2009 | Forsendan um samræmi við Mannréttindasáttmála Evrópu. Ragnarsbók. Afmælisrit fyrir Rganar Aðalsteinsson hrl. Áætluð útgáfa 2009. | X | C2 | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2009 | ”Þeir fólar sem frelsi vort svíkja“. Dómar, ásakanir og lög um landráð á Íslandi. Saga Saga XLVII:2 2009 pp. 55-88 | X | A | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2009 | Hrunið. Ísland á barmi gjaldþrots og upplausnar (Reykjavík: JPV, 2009). 427pp. | X | C1 | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2009 | “Neyðarlögin” og stjórnsýsluréttur [The Financial Crisis Act" and administratiive law]. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, veftímarit - Politics and administration, internet journal 2. 2009. | X | A | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2009 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir & Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir: Inntak og beiting 15. gr. stjórnarskrárinnar [The Substance and Application of Art. 15 of the Constitution], Tímarit Lögréttu, 1/2009. | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2009 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘Non-Discrimination in Icelandic Law: Changes are Needed' [Vernd gegn mismunun í íslenskum rétti: Breytinga er þörf], (2009) 1 Tímarit lögfræðinga, pp. 51-83. | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2009 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘From Biology to Society: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and International Non-Discrimination Law', The European Association of Health Law Conference 2009: Learning Lessons and Making Differences: Improving the Future of Health Law in Europe, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh 15-16 October 2009. (Abstract). | X | B | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2009 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘The Differences that Make a Difference in the Realm of 21st Century Human Rights Law', Second European Conference on Multidimensional Equality Law, University of Leeds, Centre for European Law and Legal Studies, Leeds 22-23 March 2009. (Abstract accepted for plenary session, but had to cancel participation due to an accident). | X | B | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2009 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir and Gerard Quinn (eds.): The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives, International Studies in Human Rights, Vol. 100, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2009. | X | C1 | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2009 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘A Future of Multidimensional Disadvantage Equality?' in Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir and Gerard Quinn (eds.): The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2009, pp. 41-66. | X | C2 | |
Páll Ásgeir Davíðsson | 2009 | Pall A. Davidsson with Frida Thoroddsen, Rule of Law Programming in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Justice for Security or for its Own Sake? In Just Peace? Peacebuilding and the Rule of Law in Africa edited by Chandra Lekha Sriram, Olga Martin-Ortega, and Johanna Herman to be published by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis Books Ltd (the Publisher) | X | C2 | |
Páll Ásgeir Davíðsson | 2009 | Vaiman, V., Davidsson, P.A., & Sigurjonsson, T.O. 2010. Revising a Definition of Corruption as a Result of the Global Economic Crisis – The Case of Iceland, in Organizational Immunity to Corruption: Building Theoretical and Research Foundations, Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. Website: | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2009 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Status Presens- Judicial Review in Iceland. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter / Nordic Journal of Human Rights 2:2009. | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2009 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir & Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir: Inntak og beiting 15. gr. stjórnarskrárinnar [The Substance and Application of Art. 15 of the Constitution], Tímarit Lögréttu, 1/2009. | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2009 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Rethinking Judicial Review in the Nordic Countries. Paper to be given at “Towards a Nordic Juristocracy”. Åbo/Turku, Finland. Dec. 2009. See /en/research/researchprojects /valtaindex.html |
X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2009 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: “The UN Convention in Nordic domestic law - Lessons Learned from Other Treaties”, in The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: European and Scandinavian Perspectives (Arnardóttir and Gerrard, eds), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. | X | C2 | |
Rán Tryggvadóttir | 2009 | “Heimildir (bóka)safna til eintakagerðar og dreifingar á efni sem lýtur höfundarétti” (What permission do libraries and museums have to make copies of and distribute works that fall under copyright protection), article that has been approved for publication in a peer-reviewed collection of articles published in the honour of Mr. Ragnar Aðalsteinsson, Advocate to the Supreme Court of Iceland. | X | C2 | |
Sandra Lyngdorf | 2009 | H. van der Wilt and S. Lyngdorf. Procedural obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights: Useful guidelines for the assessment of ‘unwillingness' and ‘inability' in the context of the complementarity principle. International Criminal Law Review, Volume 9, Number 1, 2009. | X | A | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2009 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir, Viðhorf til kynferðisbrota gegn börnum (Views on Cases concerning Sex Offences against Children). Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum X. Faculty of Law, University of Iceland, p. 254-266. | X | B | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2008 | Insider trading. Tímarit lögréttu, 3 ed. 2008, page 221-299. | X | A | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2008 | What is a financial instrument? The most important term of the securities trading act.Tímarit Lögfræðinga, 1 ed. 2008, page 53-78. | X | A | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2008 | Securities trading – scope of Act No. 107/2008. Ulfljotur, 2 ed. 2008, page 195-220. | X | A | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2008 | Development of securities regulation. Timarit logrettu, 2 ed. 2008, page 111-142. | X | A | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2008 | Why is Iceland not a Member of the EU? Antipodes of the EU. L'Islande et le Liban: Antipodes de l´UE. Chaire Jean Monnet de l´Union Européenne Université Saint Joseph, Reykjavik University School of Law, Center for Small States Studies, University of Iceland. Bruylant í Brussel 2008, Dirs. Chibli Mallat et David Thor Björgvinsson, p. 145-163. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2008 | Th Pilot-judgment Procedure of the European Court of Human Rights. To be published in International Human Rights Monitoring Mechanism. Essays in Honour of Jakob Th. Möller. The Raoul Wallenberg Institute Human Rights Library. Martinus Nijhof Publishers 2008. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2008 | Þýðing sönnunargagna í sakamálum sem aflað hefur verið með ólögmætum hætti. Dómaframkvæmd Mannréttindadómstóls Evrópu. (Illegally obtained evidence. The Cas Law of the ECHR). Tímarit Lögréttu 2008. | X | C2 | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2008 | “Þorskastríðin. Barátta við erlenda fjandmenn og innlendar goðsagnir” Skírnir, fall 2008, 456-471. | X | A | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2008 | 4 Chapters in The Encyclopedia of the Cold War (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2008). | X | C2 | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2008 | Endurskoðun ákvaðana um fjárhagsaðstoð samkvæmt lögum nr. 50/1991 [Administrative review of decisions on financial aid based on the social services of municipalities Act nr. 50/1991]. Lögrétta Law Review, Reykjavík University. 2008 | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2008 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘The concept of equality reflected in the UN Disability Convention', Conference organised by the Directorate General of Social Cohesion of the Council of Europe: Protecting and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe: towards full participation, inclusion and empowerment, Strasbourg, 29-30 October 2008. (Article, forthcoming in the Conference Proceedings, to be published at /t/e/social_cohesion/soc-sp /integration/ ). |
X | B | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2008 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘Multididimensional Equality from Within - Themes from the European Convention on Human Rights.' In Dagmar Schiek and Victoria Chege (eds.): European Union Discrimination Law: Comparative Aspects on Multidimensional Equality Law, Routledge-Cavendish, London, 2008, pp. 53-72. | X | C2 | |
Peter Dyrberg | 2008 | Together with Mr Per Andreas Bjørgan and Mr Niels Fenger, “EF-domstolens og EFTA-domstolens praksis i 2005 – 2007” (in English: The Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the EFTA Court in 2005 – 2007) in the Norwegian law journal “Lov og rett”, 2008, p. 259. | X | A | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2008 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir, Viðhorf dómara til fyrningar sakar í kynferðisbrotum gegn börnum. (Personal Views of Judges on the abolishment of statutory limitations for certain serious sex offences against children). Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, 4. árg., p. 159-180. | X | A | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2008 | Financing International Organizations, in Research Handbook on the Law of International Organizations, Jan Klabbers (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishers, (forthcoming) | X | C2 | |
Aðalsteinn Egill Jónsson | 2007 | Misuse as a condition for insider trading prohibition, Timarit Logfraedinga 2007, page 267-309. | X | A | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2007 | Application of Article 34 of the ESA/Court Agreement by the Icelandic Courts. Festschrift for Carl Baudenbacher (2007) bls. 35-48. | X | C2 | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2007 | The EEA Agreement and Fundamental Rights. Liber Amicorum Luzius Wildhaber. Droits de l´homme – Regards de Strasbourg. Engel Publisher 2007, p. 25- 40. | X | C2 | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2007 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson & Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Almannatryggingar og félagsleg aðstoð [Social Security and Social Aid]. JPV útgáfa. 2007 (608 pp). | X | C1 | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2007 | „Ef kjarnorkusprengja spryngi yfir Reykjavík dæju allir bæjarbúar“. Loftvarnir og almannavarnir á Íslandi, 1951-1973“. Saga, 45/2, 2007, 7-44. | X | A | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2007 | „Stjórnarmyndanir á Íslandi, 1971-2007. Frá Framsóknaráratugum til drottinsvalds Sjálfstæðisflokksins (með drauminn um samfylkingu jafnaðarmanna í bakgrunni“. Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla – veftímarit. 1. tbl. 3. árg. (júlí 2007). /images/stories/fg2007v/gudni.pdf, [38 pp.] |
A | ||
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2007 | „Surveillance and registration in Iceland during the Cold War“. 26th Nordic History Congress , 11.8.2007. | X | B | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2007 | „Phone tapping in Iceland during the cold war“.Syddansk Universitet Conference, „Fremtidens samtidshistorie“, 11.1.2007 | B | ||
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2007 | „The intelligence services and the left wing political movements. The case of Iceland“.Syddansk Universitet conference in Esbjerg, „Socialism in the Baltic Area – Sozialismus im Ostseeraum“, 14.-17.12.2007. | B | ||
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2007 | „Síldarbræðsla“, and „Síldarleit úr lofti“. Chapters in Silfur hafsins. Gull Íslands. Síldarsaga Íslands III (Reykjavík 2007), pp. 65-174 and 217-230. ISBN 9789979981909 | X | C2 | |
Margrét Vala Kristjánsdóttir | 2007 | Fremst(ur) meðal jafningja [First among equals]. Lögrétta Law Review, Reykjavík University | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2007 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘Non-Discrimination in International and European Law: Towards Substantive Models' (2007) 2 Nordic Journal of Human Rights, pp. 140-157. | X | A | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2007 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘Multidimensional Equality from Within – Themes from the European Convention on Human Rights', First European Conference on Multidimensional Equality Law, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, 11-12 May 2007 (abstract: http://www.uni-oldenburg. de/fk2/InstRW/eurowr /en/download/abstracts _final.pdf ). |
X | B | |
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2007 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘Non-Discrimination under Article 14 ECHR: The Burden of Proof' (2007) 51 Scandinavian Studies in Law, pp.13-39. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2007 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson & Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Almannatryggingar og félagsleg aðstoð [Social Security and Social Aid]. JPV útgáfa. 2007 (608 pp). | X | C1 | |
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon | 2007 | Sigurður Tómas Magnússon: Access to Courts for Civil Proceedings In Iceland. Scandinavian Studies in Law Volume 51 – Procedural Law, Court Administration, Stockholm 2007, pp. 359-382 | X | C2 | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2007 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir, Fyrning kynferðisbrota gegn börnum (Statutory limitation for Criminal Action in Cases concerning Sex Offences against Children). Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla, 3. árg., p. 117-140. | X | A | |
Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir | 2007 | Svala Ísfeld Ólafsdóttir, Fjölmiðlar og ungir afbrotamenn í ljósi stimplunarkenninga afbrotafræðinnar (The Media and Young Offenders in light of Criminological Theories on Labeling). Codex. Reykjavík. Liber Amicorum for Professor Jónatan Þórmundsson, p. 515-536. | X | C2 | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2007 | Implementing the Rome Statute, Genocide Convention and the Geneva Conventions into Icelandic law („Innleiðing helstu sáttmála á sviði alþjóðlegs refsiréttar í íslenskan rétt“, in Afmælisrit: Jónatan Þórmundsson sjötugur, December 2007. | X | C2 | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2007 | Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts: Iceland (Oxford University Press, 2007) | X | D | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2006 | On the Interplay Between EC Law, EEA Law and the European Convention on Human Rights. Liber Amicorum for Sven Norberg - A European of All Seasons (2006), p. 87-99. | X | C2 | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2006 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Mat á varanlegum afleiðingum líkamstjóna, [Assessment of the permanent consequences of personal injury],Tímarit Lögréttu, 2. hefti, 3. árg. október 2006 | X | A | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2006 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson & Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Slysatryggingar almannatrygginga: Opinber réttur, einkaréttarleg sjónarmið [The Social Security Accident Insurance: Public Law, Private Law Influences], co-authored with Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Guðrúnarbók – Guðrún Erlendsdóttir sjötug [Liber Amicorum for Guðrún Erlendsdóttir], Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag 2006, pp. 201-249. | X | C2 | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2006 | „Leikstjóri, leikari eða áhorfandi? Forsetinn og stjórnarmyndanir“, Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla – veftímarit, 1. tbl. 2. árg. (maí 2006), /images/stories/fg2006v/gthj.pdf, [24 bls.] |
A | ||
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2006 | Óvinir ríkisins. Ógnir og innra öryggi í kalda stríðinu á Íslandi (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2006). ISBN 9979328088 | C1 | ||
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2006 | Þorskastríðin þrjú. Saga landhelgismálsins 1948-1976 (Reykjavík: Hafréttarstofnun Íslands, 2006). ISBN | C1 | ||
Guðrún Gauksdóttir | 2006 | “Eru aflaheimildir eign í skilningi 72. gr. stjórnarskrárinnar?” í Guðrúnarbók. Guðrún Erlendsdóttir sjötug 3. maí 2006. Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag 2006. | C2 | ||
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2006 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘Equality and Freedom of Religion and Belief under the Icelandic Constition' [Trúfrelsi, skoðanafrelsi og jafnrétti í íslensku stjórnarskránni], in Pétur Kr. Hafstein et al. (eds.): Guðrúnarbók - Afmælisrit til heiðurs Guðrúnu Erlendsdóttur, Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, Reykjavík, 2006, pp. 367-385. | X | C2 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2006 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Stjórnsýsla almannatrygginga og sjónarmið um réttaröryggi [The Administration of the Social Security System and the Rule of Law] Tímarit lögfræðinga, 2.h. 56. árg. 2006. | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2006 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Paper given at the 3-year- conference of the Nordic Administrative Union (Nordisk Administrativ Forbund - NAF) in Copenhagen in August 2006. The paper was consequently published on NAF's homepage. [Note: I mention this here since the paper was read and commented on before the conference] | X | B | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2006 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: The Influence of American Theories on Judicial Review in Nordic Constitutional Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006. (285 pp). | X | C1 | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2006 | Guðmundur Sigurðsson & Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Slysatryggingar almannatrygginga: Opinber réttur, einkaréttarleg sjónarmið [The Social Security Accident Insurance: Public Law, Private Law Influences], co-authored with Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Guðrúnarbók – Guðrún Erlendsdóttir sjötug [Liber Amicorum for Guðrún Erlendsdóttir], Hið íslenzka bókmenntafélag 2006, pp. 201-249. | X | C2 | |
Rán Tryggvadóttir | 2006 | Dreifing tónlistar og kvikmynda á netinu: Jafningjanet og skráardeiliforrit” [Distribution of music and films on the Internet: peer-to-peer networks and file sharing programmes], Tímarit lögfræðinga [Icelandic Lawyers' Law Journal], 4/2006. | X | A | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2006 | “Symposium: Extraordinary Chambers of Cambodia - Financial challenges and their possible effects on proceedings”, Journal of International Criminal Justice 4 (2006) (Oxford Journals). | X | A | |
Þórdís Ingadóttir | 2006 | Symposium – Legal education in Iceland, in Bifröst, Háskólinn á Bifröst, Jóhann H. Hafstein ed., 2006 | X | D | |
Davíð Þór Björgvinsson | 2005 | Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginatriði, skýring og beiting. (European Convention on Human Rights. Main features, intepretation adn application) Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt. Reykjavík 2005. | X | C1 | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2005 | Vinnuslys, slysatrygging sjómanna [Occupational accidents, seamen's accident insurance], appeared in vol. 2.2 of Tímarit Lögréttu, 2005. | X | A | |
Guðmundur Sigurðsson | 2005 | Ansvar for rekonstruktionsforanstaltninger efter sjøulykker og ved afvikling af offshorevirksomhed [Danish].37th Noridic Lawyers' Conference in Reykjavík, 18-20 August 2005, Vol. I, pp. 347-364. | X | C2 | |
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2005 | Völundarhús valdsins. Stjórnarmyndanir, stjórnarslit og staða forseta Íslands í embættistíð Kristjáns Eldjárns, 1968-1980 (Reykjavík: Mál og menning, 2005). ISBN 9979327014 | C1 | ||
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson | 2005 | Sympathy and Self-interest. Norway and the Anglo-Icelandic Cod Wars, Forsvarsstudier 1:2005 (Oslo: Institutt for forsvarsstudier, 2005). ISSN 0333-3 | C1 | ||
Guðrún Gauksdóttir | 2005 | “Bann við pyndingum” í Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt, Reykjavík 2005 | C2 | ||
Guðrún Gauksdóttir | 2005 | “Bann við þrældómi og nauðungarvinnu” í Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt, Reykjavík 2005 | C2 | ||
Guðrún Gauksdóttir | 2005 | “Friðhelgi eignarréttar” í Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu. Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt, Reykjavík 2005 | C2 | ||
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir | 2005 | Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir: ‘The Ban Against Discrimination' [Bann við mismunun], in Björg Thorarensen et al. (eds..): Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu – Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt, Mannréttindastofnun Háskóla Íslands og lagadeild Háskólans í Reykjavík, Reykjavík, 2005, pp. 433-473. | X | C2 | |
Peter Dyrberg | 2005 | Together with Mr Per Andreas Bjørgan and Mr Niels Fenger, ”EF-domstolens og EFTA-domstolens praksis i 2003 og 2004” (in English: The Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the EFTA Court in 2003 and 2004) in the Norwegian law journal ”Lov og rett”, 2005, p. 423 | A | ||
Peter Dyrberg | 2005 | “The Court, the Quest for Uniformity and Trade Marks – how has the Court fared with the Marks?”, in “Essays in Honour of Claus Gulmann”, 2005, p. 101. | C2 | ||
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2005 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Vald dómstóla til að endurskoða stjórnvaldsákvarðanir. [Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions] Tímarit lögfræðinga 2005. | X | A | |
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | 2005 | Ragnhildur Helgadóttir: Hugsana- samvisku- og trúfrelsi [Freedom of Religion and Conscience] in Mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu – Meginreglur, framkvæmd og áhrif á íslenskan rétt [The European Convention on Human Rights – Principles, Practice and its Influence in Icelandic Law], Mannréttindastofnun Háskóla Íslands – Lagadeild Háskólans í Reykjavík 2005, pp. 320-336. | X | C2 | |
Rán Tryggvadóttir | 2005 | “Áhrif nýrrar tækni á höfundarétt” [The Effect of New Technology on Copyright], Tímarit Lögréttu [The Law Journal of Reykjavík University], 3/2005. | X | A | |
Sigurður Tómas Magnússon | 2005 | Sigurður Tómas Magnússon: Aðgangur að dómstólum á sviði einkamála. [Access to Courts in civil law cases]. Tímarit lögfræðinga [Icelandic Law Journal], 2. hefti, 55. árgangur, október 2005, bls. 133-182. | X | A |