Online teaching is going well but impact of home studies varies among students


Generally, RU students feel that moving all teaching online due to the closure following COVID-19 has been a success. Employees also feel that the transition to working from home has generally worked out well. However, the students do worry about the current situation and their experience with home studies varies. These are among the findings from recent surveys conducted by RU to monitor the wellbeing of students and employees and to gain insight into how they are feeling and how they have adjusted to these changed circumstances. 

The survey amongst students was carried out in cooperation with the RU Student Union on March 30-31. Around 880 students responded. When it comes to the transition of teaching methods, the results are very positive. More than 60% of students said that the online teaching in their courses was a success and only around 12% said it had not worked out well. When asked how studying at home was working out, around 30% of students said they are doing very well or rather well but almost 45% that they are not doing good or rather badly. Many students noted that difficult external circumstances made studying at home harder these days. Most students, or around 60%, say they look after their mental and physical health. The students' reports of their own wellbeing varied, with approximately 35% of them said they feel good or very good, while, a little over 30% of them claimed to be doing rather badly or very badly these days. Almost 40% of students believe that the current situation will have an impact, or great impact, on their studies overall, while more than 60% believe that the situation will not have significant impact on their studies overall.

The RU employee survey was conducted 27-30 March and was answered by 124 employees. The results indicate that the transition to working at home has worked out well, with over 75% of them saying they were doing well with working from home. Around 55% said they were feeling very well or rather well these days, only 10% indicated that they were feeling rather badly and none that they were feeling very badly.