Handball research


Jose M Saavedra was the leader as “Guest Editor” in a Special Issue entitled "Handball Research: State of the Art" in Journal of Human Kinetics (Impact Factor: 1.174; Journal 61 out of 81, Sport Sciences; Science Edition-2017). 

Here is his Editorial and Here is the Special Issue



Handball research


Jose M Saavedra was the leader as “Guest Editor” in a Special Issue entitled "Handball Research: State of the Art" in Journal of Human Kinetics (Impact Factor: 1.174; Journal 61 out of 81, Sport Sciences; Science Edition-2017). 

Here is his Editorial and Here is the Special Issue



Handball research


Jose M Saavedra was the leader as “Guest Editor” in a Special Issue entitled "Handball Research: State of the Art" in Journal of Human Kinetics (Impact Factor: 1.174; Journal 61 out of 81, Sport Sciences; Science Edition-2017). 

Here is his Editorial and Here is the Special Issue



Handball research


Jose M Saavedra was the leader as “Guest Editor” in a Special Issue entitled "Handball Research: State of the Art" in Journal of Human Kinetics (Impact Factor: 1.174; Journal 61 out of 81, Sport Sciences; Science Edition-2017). 

Here is his Editorial and Here is the Special Issue