PAPESH Research Centre

PAPESH Research Centre

Improving sports science research

The Physical Activity, Physical Education, Health and Sport (PAPESH) Research Centre is located at Reykjavik University and aims to increase and improve sports science research and apply it to Icelandic society.

The research centre includes researchers from two academic departments. Six of these have PhD degrees. The researchers develop six research lines where senior researchers train young researchers (MSc and PhD Students) and promote their scientific and academic careers. 

The Research Centre looks to do the best research possible. For that, we collaborate with researchers from other countries and universities. 


  • Jose M. Saavedra, Director
  • Ásrún Matthíasdóttir, Assistant Professor at SSE
  • Hafrún Kristjánsdóttir, Head of Department at SSE
  • Hjalti R. Oddsson, Adjunct at Sports Science Department
  • Hermundur Sigmundsson, Professor at SSE
  • Ingi Þór Einarsson, Adjunct at SSE
  • Kristján Halldórsson, Adjunct at SSE
  • Magnús K. Gíslason, Assistant Professor at SSE
  • Margrét L. Guðmundsdóttir, Adjunct at SSE
  • Sveinn Þorgeirsson, Adjunct at SSE
  • Ben Waller, Visiting professor at Sports Science Department