Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses


Recently, Jose M. Saavedra and his colleagues have been published an interesting paper. This study is a systematic review of meta-analyses that have addressed the effects of exercise-based interventions alone and the health outcomes (anthropometric, body composition, cardiometabolic, hepatic, vascular, and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters) in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Eighteen meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. The results showed improvements in some anthropometric and body composition (body mass, BMI, BMI z-score, central obesity, fat mass) and cardiometabolic (TG, fasting glucose, fasting insulin) parameters, and in cardiorespiratory fitness. For the cardiometabolic and vascular parameters, aerobic programs and interventions showed themselves to be effective if they were of four to 12 weeks, or involved a total exercise time of at least 1500 min, or involved sessions of at least 60 min.

Free paper: https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(18)30376-1/fulltext

García-Hermoso, A., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Saavedra, J.M. (2018, in press). Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Impact Factor: 3.929; Journal 8 out of 81 (Sport Sciences) Science Edition-2017.

Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses


Recently, Jose M. Saavedra and his colleagues have been published an interesting paper. This study is a systematic review of meta-analyses that have addressed the effects of exercise-based interventions alone and the health outcomes (anthropometric, body composition, cardiometabolic, hepatic, vascular, and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters) in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Eighteen meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. The results showed improvements in some anthropometric and body composition (body mass, BMI, BMI z-score, central obesity, fat mass) and cardiometabolic (TG, fasting glucose, fasting insulin) parameters, and in cardiorespiratory fitness. For the cardiometabolic and vascular parameters, aerobic programs and interventions showed themselves to be effective if they were of four to 12 weeks, or involved a total exercise time of at least 1500 min, or involved sessions of at least 60 min.

Free paper: https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(18)30376-1/fulltext

García-Hermoso, A., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Saavedra, J.M. (2018, in press). Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Impact Factor: 3.929; Journal 8 out of 81 (Sport Sciences) Science Edition-2017.

Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses


Recently, Jose M. Saavedra and his colleagues have been published an interesting paper. This study is a systematic review of meta-analyses that have addressed the effects of exercise-based interventions alone and the health outcomes (anthropometric, body composition, cardiometabolic, hepatic, vascular, and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters) in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Eighteen meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. The results showed improvements in some anthropometric and body composition (body mass, BMI, BMI z-score, central obesity, fat mass) and cardiometabolic (TG, fasting glucose, fasting insulin) parameters, and in cardiorespiratory fitness. For the cardiometabolic and vascular parameters, aerobic programs and interventions showed themselves to be effective if they were of four to 12 weeks, or involved a total exercise time of at least 1500 min, or involved sessions of at least 60 min.

Free paper: https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(18)30376-1/fulltext

García-Hermoso, A., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Saavedra, J.M. (2018, in press). Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Impact Factor: 3.929; Journal 8 out of 81 (Sport Sciences) Science Edition-2017.

Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses


Recently, Jose M. Saavedra and his colleagues have been published an interesting paper. This study is a systematic review of meta-analyses that have addressed the effects of exercise-based interventions alone and the health outcomes (anthropometric, body composition, cardiometabolic, hepatic, vascular, and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters) in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Eighteen meta-analyses met the inclusion criteria. The results showed improvements in some anthropometric and body composition (body mass, BMI, BMI z-score, central obesity, fat mass) and cardiometabolic (TG, fasting glucose, fasting insulin) parameters, and in cardiorespiratory fitness. For the cardiometabolic and vascular parameters, aerobic programs and interventions showed themselves to be effective if they were of four to 12 weeks, or involved a total exercise time of at least 1500 min, or involved sessions of at least 60 min.

Free paper: https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(18)30376-1/fulltext

García-Hermoso, A., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Saavedra, J.M. (2018, in press). Exercise, health outcomes, and pædiatric obesity: A systematic review of meta-analyses. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Impact Factor: 3.929; Journal 8 out of 81 (Sport Sciences) Science Edition-2017.