Girls in technology at RU

Girls in technology at RU


Around one hundred 9th grade girls from schools around Iceland were invited to the University and to the premises of four technology companies in Iceland, to mark "Girls in ICT Day". The aim of the day is to introduce girls and raise their interest in the various possibilities in technology education and careers. The project was a0 joint collaboration between Reykjavik University Ský and Samtök iðnaðarin.

"Girls in ICT Day" is held throughout Europe on April each year and is sponsored by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and the European Union in conjunction with the Digital Agenda program. This is the second time that Iceland has taken part in this international day.

Participants were asked to select the workshops that interested them. This year's participating schools were;  Fellaskóli, Hólabrekka, Ölduselsskóli and Árbæjarskóli.

Stelpur og tækniWorkshops were held at RU by Skema,  / sys / tra, the Schools of Computer Science and Engineering and topics such as web developing and programming.

Participants also visited the technology companies, Meniga, Tempo, Betware and Mentor, where they were given an insight into the activities and opportunities available in the technology industry.


Stelpur og tækni