News and events

Headline list

23.5.2023 : RU Negotiation Team Secures Impressive Third Place in Rome's Negotiation Challenge

Congratulations to the RU negotiation team, consisting of Andri Baldvinsson, Soffía Ósk Kristinsdóttir, and Halldór Ægir Halldórsson, for securing an impressive third place in the Negotiation Challenge held in Rome. This accomplishment highlights their dedication, strategic thinking, and excellent negotiation skills.

24.3.2023 : The EMBA class of 2023 visits MIT in Boston

The visit to MIT will provide the EMBA class of 2023 with a valuable opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the business and technology world and to gain insights that will help them become more effective leaders and entrepreneurs.

20.3.2023 : US Ambassador in Iceland, Carrin F. Patman, visited the EMBA students at RU

The visit by the US Ambassador to Iceland, Carrin F. Patman, to the EMBA students at RU is a great honour for the program and its students. Ambassador Patman is a respected leader in her field, with a wealth of experience in business, law, and public service. Her visit provided the students with an opportunity to learn from her insights and expertise and to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of responsible leadership in today's global business environment.

10.10.2022 : Iceland´s First Lady visits EMBA classes

Iceland´s First Lady, Eliza Reid, gave a talk at RU for the EMBA classes on her journey as an entrepreneur a writer, and the key takeaways from her book "The Secrets of the Sprakkar: Iceland´s Extraordinary Women and How They Are Changing the World."

27.9.2022 : EMBA family day

The social committees of cohorts 2023 and 2024 invited their families to visit the RU facilities. 

16.9.2022 : Welcome to the class of ´24

We welcome our new students and look forward to working with them over the next two years.

7.4.2022 : MBA class of 2022 visits MIT in Boston

The MBA class of 2022 is currently in Boston on a three day workshop as a part of their final project. The workshop is held at MIT premises, where the students get assistance from specialists from MIT DesignX and RU.

25.2.2022 : Introduction meetings for the MBA programme at RU

Meeting Online Introduction Meeting: March 4th, 12:00 – 13:00.

27.1.2022 : Dr. Aldís Guðný Sigurðardóttir nýr forstöðumaður MBA náms

Dr. Aldís Guðný Sigurðardóttir hefur verið ráðin forstöðumaður MBA náms og lektor við viðskiptadeild Háskólans í Reykjavík. Aldís er sérfræðingur í samningatækni og hefur starfað undanfarin ár við Háskólann í Twente, Hollandi, þar sem hún hefur rannsakað hegðun samningamanna og kennt þau fræði sem og önnur viðskiptatengd fög. Í Twente hefur hún einnig þróað námslínu á meistarastigi í samningatækni og stýrt því námi.

23.8.2021 : Welcoming the class of '23

The orientation week for our 34 new students has come to an end, and so the RU MBA office welcomes the new MBA class of 203 to class! 

25.6.2021 : 29 graduate with an international MBA degree

29 MBA candidates were graduated from Reykjavik University last Saturday. The ceremony took place in Harpa concert hall in the centre of Reykjavik city. 

16.6.2021 : Students and teachers celebrate spring

The MBA office invited both MBA cohorts, their significant others, and teachers to the annual MBA spring celebration.

21.4.2021 : "The goal is to help the company grow"

Recently, students in the Executive MBA programme at Reykjavík University completed their final projects in which they used MIT DesignX methodology to develop business plans and consult Icelandic start-up companies.

5.2.2021 : Introduction meeting for the MBA programme at RU

Welcome to Online Introduction meeting for the MBA programme at Reykjavik University

4.2.2021 : Online Introduction meeting for the MBA programme at RU

Online Introduction for the MBA programme at RU

26.1.2021 : Hvað fleira viltu vita um fjárfestingar?

Hvernig virkar frítekjumark fjármagnstekna vegna fjárfestinga í hlutabréfum? Er ekki áhætta í neikvæðum vöxtum? Skiptir máli hvernig fyrirtæki sem ég vil fjárfesta í eru fjármögnuð? Hvort er betra að fjárfesta í félögum sem greiða arð eða ekki? 

25.1.2021 : First Final Project workshop

The MBA 2021 cohort finished their first workshop in Final Project last week. The students are given the task of completing a growth strategy for start-up companies, covering product development, customer acquisition, organizational development, and financial planning, and present it at RU in May.

27.8.2020 : Welcoming a new MBA class

41 new students began their studies last Thursday. The RU MBA starts with an orientation programme which was now held in Hlégarður in Mosfellsbær in great summer weather. 

First day of teaching was on Saturday, at Reykjavik University. The kick-off session is Personal and professional development, this time with 1 meter distancing. 

6.5.2020 : Executive MBA Introductory Meeting

Welcome to online introduction meeting for the MBA programme at Reykjavik University for the academic years 2020-2022. The meeting is online and will be held on May 6th between 12:00-13:00.

A link to the meeting

Please register here

In the meeting, the MBA Director, Programme Administrator and students will give a short presentation about the study.

Jóhanna Vernharðsdóttir, the MBA Programme Administrator is happy to give further information about the meeting and the programme:

Information about the MBA can be found on the web:

22.3.2020 : MBA classes to be online for the rest of the term

This coming teaching weekend, MBA classes will be fully on-line and will remain so for the rest of this term. 


10.3.2020 : MBA students to work with MITdesignX on their final projects

Students in the Reykjavik University Executive MBA to work on strategies for Icelandic start-up companies with MITdesignX innovation centre at MIT and present them to a panel of experts at MIT in April. 

21.1.2020 : Online Executive MBA Introductory Meeting

The meeting is online and will be held on March 26th between 11:30-12:10. 

19.11.2019 : MBA students to work with MITdesignX on their final projects

Students in the Reykjavik University Executive MBA will present their strategies for Icelandic start-up companies in front of a panel of experts at MIT in April.

12.9.2019 : Meira vitnað í rannsóknir HR en nokkurs annars háskóla

Á nýjum lista Times Higher Education (THE) yfir bestu háskóla heims, sem birtur var í gær, kemur fram að á mælikvarða sem metur áhrif rannsókna, skorar Háskólinn í Reykjavík hæst, ásamt sex öðrum háskólum. Áhrifin eru metin út frá hlutfallslegum fjölda tilvitnana í vísindagreinar, það er, hversu oft aðrir vísindamenn vitna í niðurstöður fræðimanna háskólans í ritrýndum vísindagreinum.